
发布 2020-07-25 16:41:28 阅读 1883


turn right on foot go straight by bike turn left


1. right(反义词2. north(对应词。

3. 旁边___4. let’s(完全形式)__

5. by(同音词6. walk(ing形式。

7. do not(缩写形式8. watch(单三形式。

9. swim(ing形式10. h**e(单三形式)__


)1. is your home farthe school?

a. at b. in c. from

)2. come and lookme in the school.

a. atb. ofc. on

)3. you can go straightfive minutes.

a. on b. forc. at

)4. the science museum is near the school __the right.

a. onb. atc. in

)5. please come to mybirthday party.

a. twelveb. twelfth c. two

)6. -is there a cinema near your home

a. yes, there isn’t. b. yes, there is. c. no, there is.

)7. walk straightfive minutes.

a. atb. ofc. for

)8. the hospital is souththe cinema.

a. fromb. forc. of

)9. i wanta pair of shoes.

a. buy b. buys c. to buy

)10. turn rightthe school, then go

a. of, straight b. at, straight c. in, straight

( )11.当你想了解别人从哪儿来时,问:

. what are you from?

. when are you from?c.where are you like a glass of tea?

)12.当你想知道别人能看见几把尺子时,问: ahow many rulers can you see?

. how much is the ruler?c.i can see five rulers.

)13. 当你想了解别人的职业时,问:a.what are you do?

. what do you like?c.what do you do?

)14.当你想知道别人的爱好时,问:a.what do you hobby?.

. what do you like?c.what is your hobby?

)15.当你想知道别人感觉如何时, 问:a. how are you?

b. how do you feel?c. what’s your name?

四、 把下列单词组合成正确的句子20

1. on ,left, the, is, the, bookstore

shoe, is, the, where, store ,3. can, get, how, museum, i, to, the, science.

4. it, far, is, here, from

5. want, buy, i, pair, to, a, shoes, of.

get, i, how, cinema, the, can

it’s, the, of, school


1. what are yougo)to do this weekend?

2. i want tobuy)a science book.

3. amylike)watching tv.

4. johnwant)to be a driver.

father iswrite)a report on the computer.


1. what, to, do, you, going, are, school, after连词成句)

2. the school is next the park. (改错)

3. there is a cinema near here改为一般疑问句)

4. the library is near the post office就划线部分提问)

5. 我怎样才能到达动物园? (中译英)

museum is next to the hospital.(对划线部分提问)

the museum?

7.--thank you.(作出相应的回答。


turn right at the bus stop.

take the no. 17 bus.

walk straight for 15 minutes.

start from the bus stop in front of our school.

the cinema is on the left.


1. the library are in front of the school

2. how can i get to the shoe store

3. happy birthday too you

4. the school is in the left

5. how is the science museum?


mike goes to harbin to visit his grandparents from jinan on sunday. he’s at the harbin station now. he is ****** a telephone to his grandparents.

grandpa: hello!

mike: hello, grandpa. this is mike.

i’m at the harbin station now. i don’t know the way to your home. how can i get there?

on foot?

grandpa: it’s you, mike. my dear! no, you can take the no.103 bus.

mike: where is the bus stop?

grandpa: go straight to the library. the bus stop is in front of the library.

mike: ok! see you later.

grandpa: wait a minute! get off at the hong xing cinema.

walk west for three minutes. you can see a white building. my home is next to the building.


班级姓名卷面书写 一 读拼音,写词语。12分 ji ch sh g ng z n o y r n n ji ng ch d o zh n zh m ng l ng y n y ng k n cli q li ng 二 补充词语。12分 狂风怒人 笑学语。来入梦空如洗安 乐业。悬 峭狂风寝不。可见百折...


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人教版 六年级上册第二单元测试

作者 熊建峰。祖国在我心中。祖国有锦绣的山川,悠久的历史,灿烂的文化,日新月异的变化让华夏儿女心潮澎湃,光明灿烂的未来让炎黄子孙豪情满怀。爱我中华,报效祖国吧!字词小天地 20分 一 读句子,写词语。4分 1.任何一个ji ch 人物,不但有惊人的理智,而且有zh nzh 的情感,还善于排除各种z ...