六年级英语 2

发布 2020-03-27 01:10:28 阅读 2029





)1、a . thinner b . than c . both d. think

)2、a . younger b . lower c . smarter d . her

)3、a . both b . rode c . off d . cold

)4、a . he**ier b . head c . cleaned d . breakfast

)5、a . cleaned b . stayed c . washed d . enjoyed


1、this dinosaur is thebig ) of the three.

2、my brother (go) to school on foot yesterday.

3、you’re older thani ).

4、mike (watch) some children’s show at home yesterday evening.

5、.he ( play ) football on sundays.

6、they like (listen) to music.

7、she is (wash) the shirt.

8、we ( see ) a film in the afternoon and drank tea.

9、.he is the (young) of the two.

10、where (do) you go last holiday?


) 1. she watered the flowers

a tomorrow b sometimes c yesterday morning

) mike do last weekend ?

a do b does c did

) 3. i __my room last sunday.

a cleaned b clean c am cleaning

) 4. _you __tv last night .

a do, watch b did, watch c did, watched

) 5.--did your father write an e-mail yesterday ?

a yes, he did. b yes, he does c no, he don’t

) stayed at home___my grandma.

) me.

) h**e a story___you.

) 9. what size are your shoes? my shoes are

a. 36 sizeb. size 36 c. 36 size d. size 36

) he**y are you ?

1.65 metres b. i’m 48 kilograms size 37


) tall are youa. i saw a film last weekend

) was your weekendb. i’m going to take pictures.

) did you do last weekendc. i went there by bike

) are you going to do next weekend ? d. size 7

) did you go theree. no, i din’t.

) you all rightf. i’m 52 kilograms

) size are your shoesg. yes , i’m ok.

) you see a filmh. my shoes

) shoes are biggeri. it was good.

) he**y are youj . i’m 1.61 metres.


1、shoes size are what your ?

2、mine your feet bigger are than .

3、did do last weekend what you

4、stayed with grandma i at home your .

5、go camping did you last week ?



a. how tall are you ?

b. how many pencils do you h**e ?

c. how he**y are you ?


a. my feet are bigger than yours

b. i am bigger than your feet

c. i’m older than you .


a.i’m 49 metres b. i’m 49 kilograms c. you’re 49 kilograms.


a. what did you do last weekend ?

b. what are you going to do next weekend ?

c. what do you do on the weekend ?


a. seven students played football last weekend .

b. nine students cleaned their rooms last weekend

c. nine students clean their rooms last weekend.


a.what did you do last weekend? b. how was your weekend?

c. where did you go last weekend?


a. i h**e a cold the day before yesterday. b. i had a cold yesterday.

c. i had a cold the day before yesterday.


a. what size are your shoes ?

b. what size is your shoes ?

c. what size are your shoe ?


a. did you go to shanghai yesterday ?

b. do you go to shanghai yesterday ?


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