
发布 2020-03-27 08:30:28 阅读 4177




一、 看图,写词组。(10分)

二、 翻译。(10分)





三、 按要求改写句子。(10分)

1. i go to the nature park by subway.(对划线部分提问)

2. i can go on foot.(变为一般疑问句)

3. a, i, park, bike, to, ride, the (.连词成句)

4. how do you go home?(按实际情况回答)

四、 单项选择。(10分)

)1does your sister work? —she works __tianjin.

a. where;in b. how;in c. how;in

)2does your father go to work? —by bus.

a. where b. when c. how

)3. zhang peng’s home is __the post office.

a. in b. next to c. at

)4. there are __to go there.

a. road b. way c. ways

)5. here is the bus stop.(划线翻译)

a. 停 b. 商店 c. 停车站。


1. howdo) tom go to school every day?

2. therebe) always three lights in every country.

3. red lightmean) “stop”.

4. you mustremember) the traffic rules.

5. can shego) on foot?


a: you can go to the bus stop __foot. then, _the no.

1 bus to the railway station(火车站). from there, you can catch the __to shanghai.

b: train?

a: yes, you can go to shanghai __train.

b: can i go by __

a: yes, you can. because it’s fast.


ab: oh! it’s september 10th. it’s teacher’s day.

a: i want to buy some beautiful cards.

b: good idea

a: we can go to the supermarket by the no. 206 bus.

ba: i like english teacher

b: me too!

a: ok! this afternoon,see you at 2:30.

b: see you then.


a )1. what is john doinga. i go to school by bike.

)2. how do you go to workb. yes, i do.

)3. how does your mother go to canada? c. he is playing chess.

)4. can they climb treesd. yes, they can.

)5. do you see any elephantse. she goes to canada by plane.


i go to the park by motorbike.

yes, i can see many cute pandas.

he often writes a letter on sunday.

she goes to the usa by plane.

my english teacher is thin, but tall.


mr green: morning, mr wu! you are walking today. do you usually go to school by bike?

mr wu: yes, i do. but i sometimes walk. i like walking.

mr green: walking is good. it’s a fine day for walking today.

mr wu: that’s right. today is a sunny day.

what about you? do you often come to school by bike?

mr green: yes, but not today.

mt wu: why not?

mr green: my bike is broken.

mr wu: broken? oh, i see!

)1. how many people are talking ing this dialogue(对话)?

a. tow. b. three. c. four.

)2. where do you think this dialogue may happen(发生)?

a. at home. b. at school. c. in the park.

)3. when do you think this dialogue may happen?

a. in the moring. b. in the afternoo. c. in the evening.

)4. what’s the weather like today?

a. rainy. b. sunny. c. cold.

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