
发布 2020-02-23 07:59:28 阅读 4116


1、is helen your friend? noisn’t.

a. heb. shec. helend. her

2、—is___old man mr green? —yes, it is.

3、li ming is my sister, and i am her

a. brother b. motherc. uncled. father

4、—is he a teacher? —yes

a. he’s b. this isc. he isd. it is

5、—is he your friend? —no

a. i am not. b you aren’t c. she isn’t d he isn’t

6、here isyour family.

photo b .a photo of photo for d. photo of

7、 _am helenphone number is 56699896.

a. i my my her you

8、thanks __the photoyour family.

a. to of of c. for at of

9、tom and jackbrothers.

a. am b. is c. are d. isn’t

10、 mike and helen are his father and mother.

→mike and hellen are his

a. parent b. parents c. grandparents

二、 用所给词的正确形式填空:

1、hi, mary. this ishe) friend.

2、 is thatshe) sister?

3、arethis) your watches?

4、 thosebe) pencils.

5、my fatherbe) an english teacher.


1 is this your bother?(作肯定回答)

2 is she your sister? (作肯定回答)

3they are my grandparents (否定句)

4. are they your friends?(陈述句)

5. is he your friend? (作否定回答)

6. are these your pens? (作否定回答)


1 名字___2姓氏 3他的朋友 4 一个幸福的家庭 5用英语

6 **号码7 玩的愉快 8 她的姐姐9汤姆的电脑10 紫色的风筝 11 一张全家福 12 家谱


1 这些是我的父母亲。

2 他们是我的家人。


4 他是谁? 是我的祖父。

5 他们是谁? 是我的兄弟。

六、作文以“my family ”为题目写一则短文,介绍你家的三代人。

here is a photo of myf amily


bad for...对。有害。

eg:smoking is bad for our healthy body.(吸烟有害健康)

2.描述某人害怕什么 be afraid of...对。害怕。

eg:the mice are afraid of the cats.(老鼠害怕猫)

3.描述某人对什么生气 be angry with...对。生气。

eg: the cat is angry with them.(猫很生他们的气)

4.就原因进行回答 why(为什么) -because(因为)


because the mice are bad.(因为老鼠们很坏)

关于。eg; what’s this cartoon about?(这不卡同时关于什么的?)


eg; it makes me afraid.(它让我很害怕)

7.询问某人怎么了 what’s wrong?


what’s wrong? 同义句。

what’s the matter?

what’s the trouble?

what’s the problem?

---your father is ill.(你爸爸生病了)

8.某人应该做某事 should +动词原形。

eg:he should see a doctor this morning,so we can’t go to the zoo today.(他今天早上应该去看病,所以我们今天不能去动物园了。

)what should i do?(我应该怎么做?)

+ 动词原形。

eg:don’t be sad.(别伤心)

10.询问他人的身体状况 how does ..feel...

eg: how does dad feel now?(爸爸现在感觉怎么样)

11.询问他人正在做什么的句型 what+be动词+主语+doing?

eg:zoom,what are you doing here?(祖姆,你在这做什么?)

should do more exercise.(你应该多做运动)

13.主语+take+时间 to do sth.(某人花费很长时间做某事)

eg:they take a long time to grow.(他们要生长很长一段时间)

little一点 (+形容词)

eg:i am a little worried.


一 选择填空。1 is helen your friend?noisn t.a.heb.shec.helend.her 2 is old man mr green?yes,it is.3 li ming is my sister,and i am her a.brother b.motherc.un...


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