
发布 2020-03-08 23:15:28 阅读 3161




step1、warm up(复习上节课所讲内容)

a) unit6一些重点单词和句型的复习。

单词:new flat 新公寓 bedroom 卧室 bathroom 浴室。

living room 客厅 dining room 饭厅 kitchen 厨房。

watch tv 看电视 cook 做饭 wash 洗涤。

sleep 睡觉 anybody 任何人。

五个重点句型: 1、what is this?(问某物品的名称)

答语:it is...

2、where are you? (问某人具体位置)

答语:i am in...

3、where is your...询问第三人称,be动词用is)

答语:he/she is...

4、what are you doing?(询问某人正在干什么)

答语:i am...

5、what is he/she doing? (询问第三人称,be动词用is)

答语:he/she is...

b) unit7一些重点短语和句型的复习。

短语:sweep the floor 扫地 wash the dishes 洗碗。

clean a room 打扫房间 set the table 摆放餐具。

make the bed 铺床 water the plants 浇水。

句子: 1、what can your robot do?

2、how do you help at home?

3、i always...i usually...i sometimes...i never...

4、how does your father help at home?

5、can you help me fly it?


1. your, can, robot, do, what

2. is, what, that

3. doing, what, you, are


a) 单词:

leafy 多叶的。


leafy vegetables 多叶的蔬菜。

vegetable 蔬菜表示所有蔬菜的统称,是不可数名词。

拓展:vegetable soup 蔬菜汤 vegetable juice 蔬菜汁。

cabbage 卷心菜。

拓展:常见的蔬菜还有: cucumber 黄瓜 carrot 胡萝卜。

eggplant 茄子 mushroom 蘑菇。

potato 土豆复数:potatoes

拓展:potato chips 炸薯条。

tomato 西红柿复数:tomatoes

拓展:tomato juice 番茄汁 tomato soup 番茄汤。

onion 洋葱复数:onions

句型: what are these? 这些是什么?(指代近处的物体且不止一个)

-they are...

拓展:如果要指代远处的多个物体时,用句型:what are those?

指代单个物体时,用what is this?(近处)/that(远处)?

b) 对话练习。(运用所学句型what are these/those? 展开对话,老师提问,学生根据所问问题给予相应地回答,5分钟后,调换角色)

例子:what are these?

they are onions.

step3、学习b part 句子和对话。

a) 句子:

1、how much are the tomatoes?

- these tomatoes are three yuan a kilo.

分析1:how much 用来询问某物品**,结构为:“how much + be + 名词”

问单个物体**时,用“how much is ..

例子:how much is the pen?

-it is three yuan.

分析2:three yuan a kilo 三元一斤。

拓展:要表示某物品的具体**,用结构 ".yuan a kilo"

例子:5元一斤表达:five yuan a kilo

2、may i h**e two kilos, please? (我可以买两斤吗?)


例如:3斤 three kilos 5斤 five kilos

b) 情景对话。



一、 单项选择。

)1. how much __the cabbage.

a. is b. are c. am

( )2. may ithree kilos, please?

a. h**e b. has c. be

( )3. these potatoes are your yuan a

a. kilo b. kilos c. kiloes

( )4. what are those?

they are

bean )5. it is a presentyou.


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