
发布 2024-03-27 23:10:10 阅读 3582

unit 3 my friends

fun time&rhyme time


1、复习、巩固、进一步熟练掌握本课词汇goodbye, my friend, he’s, she’s以及日常交际用语goodbye,… he’s/she’s… he’s/she’s my friend.

2、运用多种工具完成“my friends”的海报任务,能自然、熟练地运用本课所学的语句介绍自己的朋友。





教学过程】step 1 warm up

1.free talk(t-s)


s:hello/hi miss ji.

t:look at my mouth, guess who i am talking to ?(不出声,只做嘴型,猜猜老师在和谁打招呼,知道的话大声将老师说的话说出来)

t: hello/hi, wang zi.(说到学生姓名做嘴型)

ss:hello/hi, wang zi.(大声说出来)

wang zi: hi. 进行三组对话。

t: if i say goodbye to you, please go out of the classroom.

t: goodbye, wang zi.

wang zi: goodbye, miss ji.(说话的同学在老师的示意下走出教室)


t:(指门外三人,逐一介绍) this is … he’s\she’s my friend.


t: look at the pictures in the text. try to repeat.



step 2 presentation


t:hi, boys and girls. i h**e some friends in the film:

ice age3. let’s h**e a look.(可出示电影海报类**)

1) t: let me read for you. try to remember who they are.出示**并茂的文本。

2)play a game操练句型this is…

快速闪现上述动物**,要求学生用this is … 来回答。活动中教师在教室内走动尽量照顾到全班同学,由个人的回答最后成为全班性的抢答。

t:who’s he\she?

ss: this is …

3)操练句型this is … 重点练习he’s\she’s my friend.

t:(老师拿出sid等头饰)now, i’m sid. this is manny.

he’s my friend. this is ellie. she’s my friend.

chant about he’s\ she’s

he and she,他和她。 she and he,她和他。

替代女士要用she。 替代男士要用he。

he is缩略成he’s。 she is缩略成she’s。

b. learn to say the phrase my friend.出示生词卡片领读,检查朗读。

they are all friends. (他们都是朋友) who wants to be sid\manny\diego\ellie??


最后一次时出示恐龙**,引导学生说he’s not my friend.询问每个动物角色,询问在座的同学们。练习说he’s not my friend.

4) 学唱歌曲say “goodbye”.

t: it’s time to say goodbye to them. here’s a nice song.读歌名单词goodbye.

1) listen to the song.

2)try to sing.老师将其中歌词miss li 改成sid.

please sing “goodbye” to them.请同学们和戴头饰的动物们唱再见歌。

2. 完成“my friends”的海报。

t: ok, boys and girls. don’t say goodbye to me.

let’s go on. sid has some good friends. i want to know who your friends are in the class.

let’s make and say.老师边演示边叙述制作的步骤。

1) take out a piece of *****.

2) write down my friends and draw a rectangle and some pictures on it. you can cut some small pictures and stick them on the *****.

3) stick or draw the photos of your friends in the rectangle.

4) try to introduce your friends.


model: he’s … he’s my friend. she’s … she’s my friend too.

step 3 production


2)please sing the song goodbye to me. goodbye miss ji…

step 4 homework


2.会用句子this is … 介绍自己身边的朋友。


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