
发布 2024-03-07 12:25:05 阅读 3031

lesson 13 how old are you?

教学目标 知识目标 1、掌握 how old are you? _

2、掌握what colour is it?

能力目标掌握when is your birthday


重点掌握 how old are you? _

when is your birthday

难点 when is your birthday


教学过程 1. free talk:

what day is it? how are you? how old are you?

2. (show a picture of a little boy) t: how old is he?

he is one year old. say it, please.

when is his birthday? his birthday is june 24th. say it, please.

when is your birthday? s: my birthday is __

3. exercise in chain.

how old are you? when is your birthday?

4. ask and answer. (show some pictures.)

ss: when is his/her birthday? s: my birthday is __

5. listen: when is steven and danny’s birthday? how old are they?

6. guess my birthday.

7. what do you h**e on your birthday? s:

birthday cake and candles, birthday presents, birthday party

t: i h**e birthday presents, too. do you know what they are?

look. (show the pictures: a red apple, a pink dress …)

this is a red apple. t: why isn’t it an red apple?

here are two blue chairs.

8. tell me your birthday , your birthday presents and what colour they are.

writing on the blackboard:

板书设计 lesson 13 how old are you?

how old are you? i’ m __years old.

when is your birthday? my birthday is __

what colour is it


fill in the blanks.

this is __red apple.

here __three yellow markers.

danny’s birthday is october

lesson 14 are you short or tall?

教学目标知识目标 1、 掌握 how tall are you? i’m __metres tall.

2、 掌握how tall isis taller/shorter.



重点 how tall are you? i’m __metres tall.



教学过程 1. t: hello. how old are you?

2. sing a song: how old are you?

3. t: hello.

how old are you? s:__t:

how tall are you? (the teacher take out a ruler.) oh.

you’re 1.3 metres tall. (write the sentences on the blackboard.

) point”, say it, please.

4. show some numbers: 5.1, 7.6, 3.9, 22.8, 8.56, 64.319, 0.8

5. show a ruler. 0.8metres 0.8m 1m

6. show some animals. what animal is it?

it’s very tall. how tall is it? it’s 4.

5 metres tall.

7. show some pictures. t:

how tall is it( panda)? s1: it’s 1.

6 metres tall. s2:how tall is it (giraffe)?

s3:it’s 3.1 metres tall.

t: oh, the giraffe is taller. say it, please.

8. guess. how tall is the horse/rabbit/sheep…?

s: it’s __metres tall. the __is taller.

9. groups work , make a chart then tell the class.

what’s your name? how old are you? how tall are you?

writing on the blackboard:

how tall are you? i’m __metres tall.

how tall is he/she/danny? _

___is taller/shorter.


fill in the blanks.

how __are you? i’m 1.2 metres tall.

how tall __kim? _is 1.3 metres tall.

tom is 1.1m tall. jim is 1.4m tall. _is taller and __is shorter.

板书设计lesson 14 are you short or tall?

how tall are you? i’m __metres tall.

how tall is __

___is taller/shorter.

lesson 15 where do you live?

教学目标知识目标掌握本课重点概念: where do you live?

i live in a/an .house, apartment

能力目标使学生能够熟练地运用“where do you live?

i live in a/an .”


重点重要概念 house, apartment

难点 1. 学生能够熟练地运用“where do you live?

i live in a/an .”

教具 1. house, apartment的**。



教学过程 2. 复习。

review “near,far”which students mastered in level demonstrate the concepts with volunteers.


demonstrate “where do you live? i live in a/an .”with a house and an apartment building on the blackboard.

let one puppet “live”in the “house”and the other puppet “live” in the “apartment” do a dialogue with the puppets based on “where do you live? i live in a/an .”

remind the students about “a”and“an”: a house,an apartment.

the class into small groups then ask and answer ,they can say:

s1:where do you live?

s2:i live in a/an .

s1:is it near/far from school?


after the tape.


7. 作业: a. 完成《活动手册》剩余部分。

b. 对话练习。

板书设计lesson 15 where do you live?

where do you live?

i live in a house.

i live in an apartment.

lesson 16 what do you walk to school?

教学目标知识目标学生能够掌握(听说读写)和运用四会单词bus;句子how do you go to school? by __


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