
发布 2024-03-01 07:15:13 阅读 8051

绥阳一中英语导学案选修7 module4 (1) 姓名。

一词。by side __day by day___one by one___little by little___approach n __常与介词to连用 a new approach to the difficulty___at the approach of __

bored with __boring adj___bore v __n___

advantage ofh**e the advantage of___to one’s advantage

than __5. dance to __6. consist of

the late 1980s___

2.句子。at the beginning,mcs often performed for hours,repeating words and phrases and then improvising.(教材p44)

repeating words and phrases and then improvising为现在分词短语作___成分。


the students walked out of the classroom

anyone can be an mc ,using songs which h**e already been recorded.

翻译。mc dark star remembers the first time he heard a rap singer.

the first time 引导时间状语从句、

the first time we met,we were at a rock concert. 我们第一次见面是在一场摇滚**会。


the first time/for the first time 区别。

i h**e been here for the first time.

this is the first time i've been here.

3.“the moment i heard it,”he said“i knew it was a completely new kind of music.”(教材p45)

the moment 在句中用作连词来引导时间状语从句,相当于as soon as,表示“一……就……”


i found myself in an entirely new worldi arrived in beijing.

绥阳一中英语导学案选修7 module4 (1) 姓名。

一词。by side __day by day___one by one___little by little___approach n __常与介词to连用 a new approach to the difficulty___at the approach of __

bored with __boring adj___bore v __n___

advantage ofh**e the advantage of___to one’s advantage

than __5. dance to __6. consist of

the late 1980s___

3.句子。at the beginning,mcs often performed for hours,repeating words and phrases and then improvising.(教材p44)

repeating words and phrases and then improvising为现在分词短语作___成分。


the students walked out of the classroom

anyone can be an mc ,using songs which h**e already been recorded.

翻译。mc dark star remembers the first time he heard a rap singer.

the first time 引导时间状语从句、

the first time we met,we were at a rock concert. 我们第一次见面是在一场摇滚**会。


the first time/for the first time 区别。

i h**e been here for the first time.

this is the first time i've been here.

3.“the moment i heard it,”he said“i knew it was a completely new kind of music.”(教材p45)

the moment 在句中用作连词来引导时间状语从句,相当于as soon as,表示“一……就……”


i found myself in an entirely new worldi arrived in beijing.


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