人教 PEP 六年级上册小学英语《Recycle1》

发布 2024-02-17 02:45:10 阅读 6739






1 . sing the song:where is the hospital? 2 .let’schant:

go to the bookstore. buy some books. go to the post office.

send a letter. go to the hospital. see a doctor.

go to the cinema. see a film. go to the museum.

see some robots.


t:how do you usually come to school? s:

i usually come to school on want to buy a book . is there a bookstore near here? s:

yes, there is. t:where is it?

sit’snear the post office .go straight .turn right at the crossing .

then turn right againat the post office.

t:thank you very much. s1:you’rewelcome.2、学生两人一组,模仿实行对话。3、请学生根据教师的描述,猜单词。如:

t:i’mgoing to buy some postcards and a dictionary. where am i going ? s3:bookstore.

t:i’mgoing to see a doctor. where am i going ? s4:hospital.

t:i’mgoing to h**e a big dinner with my family. where am i going ? s5:restaurant.

t:i’mgoing to read some books. where am i going ?

s6: to see a film. where am i going ?


t:i’mgoing to buy some food and drinks. where am i going ? s8:supermarket.…

三、新课表现(presentation)1.教学listen and circle.



robin, how do we get to mygrandparents’new house from here? can you use your gps?

robin:sure. first, go straight.

then turn left at the traffic leftand walk 100 metres. then finally we can see the house.

wuyifan:good! what time are we le**ing?

robin:nine o’clock.(3)全班讲评订正。

2fill in the blanks.


3)全班齐读补充完整的句子。3、listen again and answer.(1)全班齐读教材中的两个问题。


四、巩固与拓展(consolidation and extension)


一些课桌上放上表示场所名称的标牌,如:library、museum , school , supermarket .请上一位学生,用眼罩蒙住双眼,扮演盲人。


a:where is the library?

b:turn right, please. then go school.

turn left at the school , please . now go straight .stop!

here’sthe library.

a:you’re welcome . bye ! b:bye ! be careful !五、homework



recycle 1

go straight. turn left. turn they going by bus or on foot?

where are they going?


六年级上册英语unit1过关检测。i.看图,写单词或短语。12分 选出下列单词正确的汉语意思。10分 a难过的 b.有趣的 c.无聊的。a.直走 b左c.右。a.大街 b.严格地 c.笔直地。a.近的 b.较近的 c.较远的。a.转弯b.到达 c.拿到。iii.选出与所给单词属于同类的一项。10分 ...

人教 PEP 六年级上册小学英语《Recycle1》

小学英语六年级上册recycle1教学设计。第一课时。一 教学目标与要求。1 能够听 说 认读let s read i部分的对话并能完成文后判断正误的练习。2 能够根据let s find out的提示语言在地图中找到并写出对应的公共场所。3 能够听懂 会唱歌曲 how can i get to t...

人教 PEP 六年级上册小学英语《Recycle1》

recycle 1 第一课时。一 教学目标。1 复习1 3单元所学会话,要求学生能根据实际情景熟练使用这些句子。2 会说唱歌谣,并能理解其含义。2 能够通过对前三单元语言的复习认读新句子,并能在情景中实行使用。3 能够理解短文的内容,并根据内容提问,并根据 回答。4 学会用what are you ...