PEP 六年级上册小学英语《Recycle1》教学设计

发布 2024-02-17 02:40:10 阅读 9390

课题recycle 1 my weekend plan第1课时。

1.能听、说、读、写句子:where are you going?

目标we’re going to the cinema. when are you going?

2.能使用where ,what,when不同的疑问句询问他人的活动安排。





教学过程。step 1:warm-up

师生对话:t:where are you going ?s:i am going to +地点。t:what are you going to do?



s:i am going to +活动内容。

接着生问老师,师回答:“i am goingto see a filmabout space tr**el.”step 2:presentation

1.教师**“let’s talk”部分的听力,学生根据刚刚所理解的信息听“let’stalk”中john和amy的对话并思考问题。

1)where are john and jack going?(2)what are john and jack going to do?(3)when are john and jack going ?



they are going to the cinema.

they are going to see a film about spacetr**el.

they are going next tuesday.4.归纳总结。

in the blanks.

根据let’s talk完成内容。step 3 role play

师为学生提供生活中不同场所,尽情发挥,练习句型:where are you going? i’m going to……what are you going to do?

i’m going to……when are you going ? i’m goingstep 4 practice

the right the words in a 5英语小练笔。

以“myweekendplan”为题,介绍自己下周末计划去**,和谁去,怎样去,要去干什么?step 6:homework


板书设计:unit 3 my weekend plan

where are you going? i’m going to……what are you going to do? i’m going to……when are you going ?

i’m going……

人教 PEP 六年级上册小学英语《Recycle1》

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人教 PEP 六年级上册小学英语《Recycle1》

六年级英语上册recycle1教案。第一课时。教学目标 1 复习unit1 unit3所学的词汇和句子,要求学生能描述场所的位置 能准确指路。2.完成课本中听音画圈和听音填空的练习。教学重难点 1.重点 复习unit1 unit3所学的词汇和句子。备 1.单词卡片。2.教学课件。3 录音机和录音磁带...

人教 PEP 六年级上册小学英语《Recycle1》

recycle 1 第一课时。一 教学目标。1 复习1 3单元所学会话,要求学生能根据实际情景熟练使用这些句子。2 会说唱歌谣,并能理解其含义。2 能够通过对前三单元语言的复习认读新句子,并能在情景中实行使用。3 能够理解短文的内容,并根据内容提问,并根据 回答。4 学会用what are you ...