
发布 2024-02-16 14:50:05 阅读 8149

一、教学内容:复习语法一般过去时(the past tense)和一般将来时(the future tense)二、教学目标:




四、教学过程:a:free talk:

a: what date is it today? it’s ….what dayis it today? it’s ….

what lessons do you h**e on … morning? we h**e ….what’s your f**ourite subject? it’s ….

b: what’s the weather like today? what’s the weather like in … in changzhou?

which season do you like best? why?

c: what’s your hobby? what’s your father/ mother’s hobby?my hobby is taking photos.


look, listen and guess

a: t: here are some photos.

let’s look, listen and guess what is the girl doing now?(只出示**上的人物,点击声音键,让学生猜一猜,然后出示完整的**。)

s:ismaybe she’s…. she’s…, i

多猜几次,然后出现事情的真实画面)t: what is the girl doing?s: he’s listening to music.

b: what are they doing? they are playing basketball.


c: look and guess


what do you usually do in the morning?a.出示**:

冯书记(女)早晨跑步t: what does miss fen do in the morning?

s: does she usually / oftenin the morning? perhaps shein the 出示**:蒋老师(男)星期六上网。

t: what does mr jiang usually do on saturdays?s:

does heon saturdays?c.出示**:

学生们放学后打乒乓t: what do the boys often do after school?学习资料。


s: they often play table tennis.

设计意图:先出现人物的半身照,只给学生提供部分信息,即只能确认人物性别、单复数以及表示一般现在时的时间in the morning/ on saturdays/ after school,通过这些信息沟的设置,让学生产生想问、想知道的愿望,自然而然地用一般现在时的句型猜图中的人物在特定的时间可能做什么事。d:


a: the past tense(一般过去时)

1)t: do you like playing table tennis? do you often play table tennis?

i played table tennis withmy son on may day. it was great fun. what did you do on may day?

s:i…on may day.设计意图:


(2) look at the pictures, ask and answer:

出示take photos / yesterday和dance / just now:

t:did the boy see a film yesterday? s:

no, he didn’ did he do yesterday? s:he took some photos.

出示句型:what did __do?did

ask and answer in pairs:

what did the girl do just now?did she sing just now?


look at the pictures, ask and answer in pairs:

what diddohe/ she/ theydidyes/ no.④look at the pictures, make all kinds of sentences.

model: the boys played football girls didn’t play football two weeks the boy play football yesterday?what did the boy do yesterday?

when did the boy play football?where did she go two weeks ago?



用创设情景,进行语言交际、实践和运用活动。个性化地发挥自主学习的意识和能力,促使学生有意识地发展语言、运用语言以及用语言表达自己的思想。⑤listen and answer:

listen to the dialogue, and answer the questions:a: what date is it today?

b: it’s the tenth of march.

a: yesterday was linlin’s birthday.

b: really? did she h**e a birthday party last night?

a: yes. liu tao, yang lin and i went to her what presents did she get?

a: she got a new bike, a schoolbag, a storybook and some new what did you do at the party?

a: we sang and danced. we ate a lot of food, did you h**e a good time?a:

1. when’s lin lin’s birthday?

2. did lin lin h**e a birthday party?3. what presents did lin lin get?

4. what did the children do at the party?5.

did they h**e a good time?设计意图:此环节是针对前面复习的一般过去时设计的一道听力训练。





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