
发布 2024-02-11 09:40:20 阅读 8231




1、( 总是 al _ ys a、 wa b、 aw c、va

2、( 开始 b _ in a、 ge b、 ag c、eg

3、( 远的 fa、 ar b、 or c、ro

4、( 东方 _ st a、 ea b、 ee c、ae

5、( 驾驶 d _ ve a、 re b、 ri c、er






1、h**e (第三人称单数2、hot(比较级。

3、he**y (比较级4、thin (反义词。

5、tall (反义词6、do (第三人称单数。

7、candy(复数8、le**e (现在分词。

9、good (比较级10、reach (第三人称单数。


)1、it’s time __breakfast .

a、 to b、 for c、 four

)2、__you always h**e lunch at twelve ?

a、 do b、 does c、 are

)3、eve __here every day .

a、come b、 comes c、 coms

)4、i come __the usa.

a、 in b、 on c、 from

)5、i usually go to school __foot .

a、 in b、 onc、 at

)6、i send my light __your room.

a、 in to b、 in c、 into

)7、please give __some beef.

a、 me b、 i c、 my

)8、do you like them? yes, i __

a、 does b、 do c、 don’t

)9、__he go to school by bike?

a、 does b、 do c、 is

)10、she __homework at five.

a、 doesn’t b、 doesn’t do c、 don’t

)11、her hair __short.

a、 am b、 isc、 are

)12、 _a beautiful tree.

a、 what b、how c、 who

)13、__pretty i am .

a、 what b、 how c、 who

)14、this toy dog is __you .

a、 forb、 four c、 to

)15、we stop in front __a tall building

a、 at b、 off c、 of

五、 根据**选择正确的句子。(10分)

)1a、it’s time for lunch.

b、it’s time for breakfast.

)2a、please give me some chicken.

b、please give me some beef.

)3a、i come from the usa.

b、i come from england.

)4a、i usually go home by car.

b、i usually go home by bike.

)5a、it’s halloween.

b、it’s christmas.


on in at of to

1、i usually goschool by car.

2、putyour hat. 3、l livebeijing.

4、i usually get upsix. 5、i am afraid __the dog.

七、从b栏中找出a 栏的答语,将其标号填入题前括号内。(10分)

a 栏b栏。

)1、is she young or olda、it’s on december 25.

)2、is that janeb、here you are .

)3、please give me some beefc 、by train

)4、when is christmasd 、she is young.

)5、how do you usually go to schoole 、yes, it is.


1、we ride over a bridge and though some streets.



4 the thinner one runs faster and he quickly jumps onto the train.



my name is lele. i am twelve years old. i come from china and i am a chinese boy.

i live in beijing. i like reading books and playing football. i h**e two good friends.

they are tom and mary. tom is from the usa. he is twelve years old, too.

he likes playing football very much. we often play football after class. mary is from england.

she is eleven years old. she likes dancing and she can dance well. she is a beautiful girl.

1、lele is a chinese boy

2、lele likes singing and dancing

3、tom is twelve


新坝学区2013春学期六年级英语期末模拟试卷。出卷人 照中小学朱文娟。时间 90分钟满分 100分。一 英汉互译。10分 1 感冒2 laugh at 3 洗衣服4 he ier 5 上周末6 went to a park 7 踢足球8 get the flu 9 假期10 learn englis...


2014 2015学年度上学期六年级期末考试题。听力部分 40分 1 听录音排序。请你根据听到的内容给下列 编号。5分 2 听句子连线。请根据录音内容将相关联的句子用直线连起来。每小题读两遍。5分 三 听对话选答案。请根据对话内容选择正确答案。10分 amyears old.am from goes...


2013 2014学年度第一学期六年级期末考试卷分析。分析人 六年级备课组。六年级英语期末考试卷分析。期末考试是一学期来教学工作的检验,为的是进行反思,总结本学期教学上的优缺点,以便在下学期做出调整,有针对性地帮助学生在学习上取得更大的进步。六年级备课组对本次期末考试卷就以下几方面进行了总结和反思。...