
发布 2024-02-11 09:40:20 阅读 7341




i listening(听力部分)(40分)(考试时间60分钟)

i. listen and choose. (听音,识别单词。)(10分)

4.( d. born

9.( over of

ii. listen and choose(听问题,选择正确的答语。) 5分)

1.( a. yes,i can. can.

2.( a. we’re going to walk around the lake.

b. i’m going to walk around the lake.

3.( a. we are going to eat at half past twelve.

b. we are going to eat in the resturant.

4.( family g**e it to me.

b. simon’s family give it to me.

5.( was born in france. b. he was born in 1809.

and number.(听音,给下列句子排顺序)。 5分)

) we’re also going to start a new school,in england.

( )yes,i’m really excited.

( )are you going to go to middle school this september?

( )i’m going to study physics,chemistry,history.

( )what are you going to study ?

iv.llisten and judge.(听对话,判断正误。 正确的划“√ 错误的划“ ╳10分)

1.( daming wants to buy apples and icecreams.

2.( the fruits are five dollars and fifty cents.

3.( xiaohu is going to h**e a party at half past six.

4.( xiaohu is daming’s brother.

5.( it’s a fine day.

and fill in the blanks.(听音,选择正确的单词填空)。(10分)

hellen keller was( )in america in a small ( she

became ( and ( she ( see and shehear.( hellen had a teacher ( letters in hellen’s( )hellento speak.

ii笔试部分(60 分)

i choose。(选出下列单词中不同类的一项)。(15 分)

)1、a hamburger b juice c milk

( )2、a pilot b policeman c son

( )3、a geography b physics c october

( )4、a rideb excited c walk

( )5、a emails b practise c worry

( )6、a baseball b basketball c balloon

( )7、a elephant b dog c hot dog

( )8 a milk b sandwiches c tea

( )9 a drive b cent c dollar

( )10 a hour b our c my

ii. choose(选择填空。) 10分)

1.( we’re going to walk___the lake.

a. 2are we going to eat, mum?

at half past 12.

a. 3.( i h**e got a hamburger, i can’t eat it.

4.( i want to go swimming, i’ve got a cold.

5.( h**e you got a book about america?

h**en’t. i can. i do.

6.( she ’s tryingget off the bus.

a. to b. on c. in

7is my hobby.

8did you go yesterday?

---to the park.

9.( what anpresent!

10what’s this,daming ?

it’s __playing baseball.0

iii.make the sentences.(连词成句)。 10分)

1. i hot dog a want .

2. daming h**ing party is a .

3. yang liwei from is liaoning .

4. do want you what ?

5. matter what’s the ?

and answer the questions.(阅读,回答下列问题。)(5分)

i’m lingling. i like tr**eling(旅游). in the summer holiday, i went to australia with my parents.

we lived in sydney. it is a beautiful city. we saw a lot of flowers.

we also saw somexyp出路,前途,本领,野心,闯荡, 社会低沉, 白手起家, 出人头地。koalas (考拉)and kangaroos(袋鼠) koalas were very cute. kangaroos jump on their back legs.

motherxyp出路,前途,本领,野心,闯荡, 社会低沉, 白手起家, 出人头地。kangaroos h**e special bags for the babies. i like australia.

and we will go to london nextxyp出路,前途,本领,野心,闯荡, 社会低沉, 白手起家, 出人头地。出路,前途,本领,野心,闯荡, 社会低沉, 白手起家, 出人头地。

1when did lingling go to australia ?


2014 2015学年度第二学期。考试时间 60分钟 满分 100分 亲爱的同学们,你想和其他同学比学习收获吗?请你用心读题,开动脑筋,认真细心地答题。祝你取得好成绩!你一定会成功!听力部分 共30分 一 听录音,选出你所听到的词汇 5分 1 a smaller b shorter c strong...


精品文档。外研社六年级英语下册期末检测。一 英汉互译 20分 1.在春节 2.晴朗的11.在下午3.在六点半 4.有风的12.唱歌 5.在周末 6.上科学课13家庭大餐7.放风筝 8.去游泳14过圣诞节9.在湖里 10.步行去上班 15.去钓鱼16在夏天17在椅子下面 18一件黄色毛衣19.在英国2...


2015 2016学年上学期期末考试工作已经顺利完成,为全面落实凌源市教育局工作会议精神,加强英语教学的学期时段评价,保证教学质量,培养良好的学风,激发学生的学习动机,培养学生的学习兴趣,强化教师教书育人的责任心,努力完成教学本职工作,实现有效课堂,打造高效课堂,特对本次考试做出如下分析。本次考试内...