
发布 2024-02-11 09:50:20 阅读 5400


总分:100分 (平时表现20分+口语测试20分+笔试60分)

总分:一. 平时表现:

二. 口语测试:

三. 笔试部分:


)4. b. teacher c. driver d. pupil

) b. guitar c. hot dog d. drum

) b. pencil c. book

) b. warm c. windy d. red

) b. friend c. plane d. bus

) father b. brother c. old d. brother

) b. duck


) looking __books

a. in b. at c. near

)2is it?

--it’s three dollars

a. how many b. how much c. how old

)3. what do you want ?

a. eat b. to eat

)4. look! the boys are walking __the blackboard .

a. to b. up c. in

) help me. sorry, i can’t

a. can b. can’t c. should

)6. -how are you, mike? you look so___

---it's raining outside. i can't play football.

a. happy b. excited c. sad

)7.--what's the matter? -my leg __

a. hurts b. sore c. is hurts

)8.--did you __pictures yesterday

a. take b. took c. taking

)9. i___my room and watched tv

a. clean b. cleaned c. cleaning

)10. the ducksin the water .

a, is swimming b, are swiming. c are swimming


you very much.


much is a hot dog? b. here you arec. how much is a hamburger?


new year! chirstmas! birthday!


a. can i help you ? b. who can help me? c. i can help you.


a、howlongareyou? b、howoldareyou? c、howlargeareyou?

) is tooi can’t do my homework.

a. soon b. sunny c .noisy

)17. a dogunder that tree.

a. sleeping b, is sleeping c, sleep

) 18. i want __some tea ,please .

a. to drink b. drink c. drinking

) am going to __in my bedroom.

a. does b. playing c. rest

) much is it ? it is __

a, thirteen dollar and one cents.

b. thirteen dollars and one cents.

c. thirteen dollars and one cent.


do you wantyes, he can .

are we going to eatducks

did they goit”s about animals.

eat the sandwichesat half past twelve

he help meno ,he doesn”t.

g**e it to youyour mum g**e it to me ?

it aboutthey went to the park.

daming like iti want a hot dog,pleas.


1. shoes(单数2. bus(复数。

3. don't(完全形式4. sing(现在分词。

5. i(宾格反义词。

7. sit(加—ing8. short(反义词。



六. 读短文,选择正确的答案。(6分)

tom was a naughty boy before. he was late for class. he didn’t clean his room.

he played football and broke(打破)the windows of the neighbours. his mother was very angry with him. she tried to change his bad habits and tom didn’t listen to her.

so they quarreled with each other.

but one day, everything changed(改变). tom came back from the football field. he washed his hands before coming to the dinner table.

his mother was very happy. he told(告诉)his mother that this was good for his health(健康). he wanted to be a strong football player.

he had to be more careful with his health and everything. he is a good boy now.

) 1. tom


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