
发布 2024-02-11 10:15:20 阅读 5861





1、感冒2、laugh at


5、上周末6、went to a park

7、踢足球8、 get the flu

9、假期10、learn english


1. strong(比较级2. tall(比较级。

3. he**y(比较级4. big(比较级。

5. thin (比较级6. learn(过去式。

7. climb(过去式8. is / am(过去式。

9. see(过去式10. go(过去式。


1. on, did, holiday, you, what, do, your.

2. did, go, how, you, there.

3. you, did, where, go, yesterday.

4. matter, the, what, is.

5. than, shorter, me, you, are


)1did you go on your holiday?

i went to xinjiang.

a. what b. where c. how d. why

)2、igood food on my holiday last year.

a. eatb. eatsc. ate

)3、i get up at 6:30___the morning.

i go to bed at 9:00___night.

a. in in b. at atc. in at

)4where is the toliet, please?

i don't know.

a. hi, thank you b. excuse me, ok. c. excuse me, sorry.

)5、can you help me___my homework?

a. onb. toc. with


)1. a. milk b. bread c. meatd. foot

)2. a. window b. doorc. deskd. fatter

)3. a. better b. bigger c. badd. fatter

)4. a. often b. usually c. tomato d. aways

)5. a. football b. rulerc. gived. music


)1. what did you do last night

)2. did you climb a mountain?

)3. what did kate do yesterday?

)4. what are you doing?

)5. how did you go there?

a. i’m cleaning the room.

b. she washed clothes.

c. no, i didn’t.

d. i listened to music.

e. i went by horse.


in, for, at, with, on )

1. i get up___six o’clock every morning.

2. this card isyou.

3. we h**e two lessons___the afternoon.

4tuesday, i’m going to harbin.

5. what’s the matter___them.


)i went swimming.

)where did you go on your holiday?

)what did you do

( )i went by train.

)how did you go there?

)i went to hainan.


1. i ate ice cream this afternoon.(改为否定句)

ieat ice cream this afternoon.

2. the plate is on his head.(对划线提问)

the plate?

3. sam goes to bed at nine thirty.(改为否定句)

samto bed at nine thirty.

4. did, what, mike, do, on, his, weekends.(连词成句)

what __mikehis

5. did you read book s?(做否定回答)

i___十、选择正确的单词填空,把短文补充完整。 (10分)

a hurts b happy c excited d sad e angry

it’s sunday afternoon. it’s sunny day. there is a basketball match between class 1 and class 2.

many students are watching, they are___look! mike has the ball and passes it to wu yifan. he throws the ball.

it’s a goal! now john has the ball. he throws it hardly.

the ball flies to zhang peng’s face. zhang peng’s nose___he feels a littlejohn says sorry to zhang peng and throws it again, another goal! zhang peng and john are soclass 1 won the game.

but class 2 is notthey are laughing at john’s funny goal!


2013 2014学年度第一学期六年级期末考试卷分析。分析人 六年级备课组。六年级英语期末考试卷分析。期末考试是一学期来教学工作的检验,为的是进行反思,总结本学期教学上的优缺点,以便在下学期做出调整,有针对性地帮助学生在学习上取得更大的进步。六年级备课组对本次期末考试卷就以下几方面进行了总结和反思。...


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