
发布 2024-02-11 12:35:08 阅读 7130




listening part 听力部分(30分)


) 1. a. seed b. see c. sick

) 2. a. know b. how c. now

) 3. a. tail b. late c. fail

) 4. a. thin b. thank c. think

) 5. a. short b. shirt c. shorter

) 6. a. feel b. feet c. foot

) 7. a. meter b. matter c. match

) 8. a. thursday b. saturday c. tuesday

) 9. a. watches b. watched c. watch

) 10. a. did b. do c. does



) 1. a. he is a teacher. b. he likes teaching. c. he works in a school.

)2. a. i go to shanghai. b. i did my homework. c. i go to school.

)3. a. you can go by bus. b. i go on foot. c. i can go on foot.

)4. a. yes, i didn't. b. no, i didn't. c. yes, he is.

)5. a. i am a singer. b. i like singing. c. yes, i do.

)6. a. yes, it is. b. yes, there is. c. yes, he is.

)7. a. i am going to buy a book.

b. i go to the pose office.

c. he is going to plant trees.

)8. a. i am 164cm. b. i am 47kg. c. i wear size 37.

) 9. a. because i failed my test.

b. because i can play games.

c. because i am going on a big trip.

)10. a. he's excited. b. i am excited. 's going to be excited.


zhang: how __are you?

mike: i'm 164 cm tall. howare you?

zhang: i'm 48 kg.

mike: what's the matter, zhang peng?

zhang: i h**e ai feel

mike: i'm sorry to hear that. what did you do yesterday evening?

zhang: ithe room.


一、 下面每组单词中有一个是不同类的,请选出来。(1分×5=5分)

) 1. a. hand b. than c. arm d. head

) 2. a. feet b. leg c. wear d. hair

) 3. a. nose b. head c. tooth d. hear

) 4. a. excited b. sad c. play d. happy

) 5. a. last b. watched c. went d. studied


1. b ed (无聊的2re(疼的)

3. ngr (生气的) 4. wa (洗)

5. re阅读6. hea er(更重的)

7. h adach (头疼)

8. thin r(thin的比较级)

9. t r d (疲劳的;累的)

10. went swi ing(去游泳)


go fishing杂志。


post card医院




1. she has a toothache.

) went to a park last saturday.

)3. she read a book in the morning.

)4. she watered the flowers yesterday.

)5. he climbed a mountain last summer holiday.


1. the green bag isthan the blue one.

2. -what's thewith you?

-- myis sore. my nose

3. last sunday, ibasketball with my friends.

4did you go on your holiday?

-- i went swimming.

cangoodin hong kong.

6. he isthan you.

7. -how did you go there?

---i went by


栏栏。 ) she teach math? in, please.

)2. may i come in? feel sad.

)3. how do you feel? visited my grandparents.

) did you do last weekend? she does.

) day is it 's wednesday.


)1. -how are you, mike? you look so

it's raining outside. i can't play football.


新坝学区2013春学期六年级英语期末模拟试卷。出卷人 照中小学朱文娟。时间 90分钟满分 100分。一 英汉互译。10分 1 感冒2 laugh at 3 洗衣服4 he ier 5 上周末6 went to a park 7 踢足球8 get the flu 9 假期10 learn englis...


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