
发布 2024-02-11 09:15:19 阅读 3336






)1 a、smaller b、shorter c、stronger d、sad

)2 a、toothache b、headache c、matter d、madicine

)3 a、yesterday b、weekend c、last year d、last monday

)4 a、dance b、danced c、do d、did

)5 a、took b、did c、swim d、swing


) 1. a. i'm 46 kg. b. tom is 3kg he**ier than me.

c. mike is thinner than me.

) 2. a they are tired. b. she is angry.

c. they are excited.

) 3. a. wash clothes. b. watch tv. c. watched tv.

) 4. a. by car. b. on footc. by airplane.

) 5. a. yes.

i think i h**e a fever. b. yes.

i feel excited. c. yes.

my hair is longer than yours

三、听录音,判断句子正(t)误(f) 。10分)

) twins go to school from monday to friday .

( )has supper at 6:30 .

( )and nick are classmates .

( )their home , there is a supermarket.

( )bought nick a schoolbag and dick a pencil-case yesteday .


it's sunday. i go to the hospital. i h**e aso i go and see theon the way home, i see a little dog.

he's so small. he's even __than a cat. he looks veryi think he can't find his home.

so i take him home. i like him very much. i play with him.

i'm so __



)1. a stamp b able c black d cap

)2. a study b duty c must d jump

)3. a go b close c clock d close

)4. a mean b sweater c he**y d weather

)5. a window b now c know d snow


) 1. the monkey's tail is long. the dinosaur's tail is

a. long b. longer c. longest

) 2. one meter is___centimeter.

a. 10 b. 100 c. 1000

( )is 160cm tall. sarah is 157cm. so __

a. tom is taller than sarah. b. tom is shorter than sarah.

c. tom is 3cm shorter than sarah.

)4. your ruler is 10 __

a. mm b. cm c. m

)5. we play games __tuesday afternoon.

a. in b. at c. for d. on

)6. let’s

do homework b. do homework

c. do homeworks d. does homework

)7. we stay __home __sundays.

a. at, on b. in, on c. at, in d. on, on

)8. i often __tv on sunday evening.

a. see b. watch c. look d. look at

)9. he___born in beijing.

a. is b. was c. are d. be

) boy is sitting___her father and mother.

a. among b. between c. after d. before

七、根据中文意思,用正确的形式填空 .(10分)

1.--what does sarah usually do on the weekend?

--she usually看电视) .

2. -what did you do on your holiday?

--i went to beijing and拍照) there.

3.–what is mike doing now?

-he is踢足球) on the playground.

4.–are you going to游泳) this afternoon?

-no, we are going to h**e a picnic.

5. john is taller than zhang peng. but zhang peng is强壮) than john.


.this is chen jie speaking .

be sad . i hope you will get better soon .

. who’s that ?

the matter ?

you and say sorry to my friends .bye .

f. i h**e a cold . i can’t go to the party .


where on you go your holiday did ?

译: matter with you what’s the ?

译。 you much am than i taller .

译。 the do you what on weekend do usually ?

译。visit i’m tomorrow my going grandparents to .




七彩虹英语六年级 下 英语期末试题。姓名 name班级 class 得分 score i listening 听力部分 40分 考试时间60分钟 i.listen and choose.听音,识别单词。10分 4.d.born 9.over of ii.listen and choose 听问题,选...


2014 2015学年度上学期六年级期末考试题。听力部分 40分 1 听录音排序。请你根据听到的内容给下列 编号。5分 2 听句子连线。请根据录音内容将相关联的句子用直线连起来。每小题读两遍。5分 三 听对话选答案。请根据对话内容选择正确答案。10分 amyears old.am from goes...


这次考试,总的来说,成绩比较正常,六年级是个两极分化比较严重的年级,但这种情况似乎在这届六年级身上还不是很明显,各个班优秀率,及格率都还是比较好的,只是平均分还不是很好,处于中间的那部分学生还是挺多的,努力一下,还是很有发展的空间的。还要争取每个同学都能及格。一 试卷分析 这次考试的试卷共分为两部分...