
发布 2024-01-31 14:10:02 阅读 7123

一. 快速应答:

1. what do you like to eat?

2. what do you think of the music teacher?

3. how many people are there in your family?

4. when do you go to bed every night?

5. what’s your f**ourite sport? why?

6. can you tell me what the time is?

7. which school are you in?

8. do you go to school on foot or by bus?

9. where does your father like to go?

10. how much is your new watch?

11. when is your mother’s birthday?

12. h**e you got any biscuits? i am hungry now.

13. would you like to go to the cinema with me this evening?

14. it was so hot yesterday. you don’t like hot day, do you?

15. can you sing the alphabet song for my little brother?

16. what do you do after lunch at school?

17. what’s wrong with your watch?

18. how do you spell the word “dragonfly”?

19. does your mother go to work by bus or by bike?

20. when do you arrive at school?

21. h**e you got a brother or sister?

22. what’s your best friend’s name?

23. what’s the weather like in shanghai in winter?

24. h**e you ever been to beijing?

25. who is the top student in your class?

26. what do you usually do at weekend?

27. how many boys and girls are there in your class?

28. how often do you go to the cinema?

29. can you tell me who your class teacher is?

30. how much is a large packet of chips?

31. how long h**e you learned english?

32. what’s your family name?

33. has your grandfather a granddaughter?

34. will you stay here or go back after a while?

35. what will you be when you grow up?

36. which language do you speak?

37. where do you live?

38. where did you go last summer?

39. how do you feel when you are ill?

40. what day is it today?

41. what’s the date today?

42. where are you come from?

二. 语段表达:

1. 你每天的作息时间是怎么样安排的,用一般现在时来描述。

2. 请介绍一下你们学校的某个专用教室。

3. 用所给的单词介绍你的一位家庭成员。strong, healthy, like, morning, cold, early, smile, with, happy, love

4. 你最喜欢哪个季节,为什么?说说理由。

5. 以in the supermarket为题说一段话。

6. 介绍你最喜欢的一种玩具,说出它的特征。

7. 谈谈今年的儿童节你是怎么度过的。

8. 你有宠物吗?介绍一下。

9. 你去参加中学的面试,请你用英语介绍自己。

10. 妈妈带你去肯德基,你会点什么?说说理由。

11. 你喜欢哪位电影明星(movie star), 为什么?

12. 介绍你家客厅。

13. 说说my hobby.

14. 说说你最喜欢的运动。

15. 以my weekend为题说一段话。


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