
发布 2023-11-26 18:25:04 阅读 8682

teaching plane of unite 1


textbook: pep (book 3a)

period: the second period of unite 1(26 letters c culture)

aims and requirements:




visual aids: ppt, tape, some cards,teaching procedures in detail:

step1: greeting and revision

t: hello, boys and girls.

ss: hello / hi

t: would you like to listen to a song?

ss: yes

t: do you like it?

ss: yes

t: me too, very nice song! let’s learn after the tape.

t—ss: …老师和同学们一起跟着录音学唱两遍歌曲)

t: who can sing the song? (谁会唱这首歌?)

ss: me

t: ok, you please!

ss: …t: great!

set down please! now, let us sing together once more。(非常好,请坐,让我们一起再唱一遍!

).t—ss: …

t: you are so cle**er! do you remember your homework last time? (同学们还记得你们的作业吗?)

ss: …t: how many students finished it? please hold up your hands!

ss:t: very good! do you still remember our new friends? look!

老师拿出sarah的**走到一个同学面前说)hello, i’m sarah

ss: hello,i’m ……

t: goodbye ……

ss: bye-bye ……


step2: presentation

t: good, i know you can speak english but do you know how to write english? (翻译)


t: english words are made of letters. (展示上节课教的hello hi goodbye bye-bye 的单词卡片,告诉同学们英文单词是由字母组合而成的。

)t:do you know how many letters in english? (英文中共有几个字母?)

ss: 不知道。

t: there are 26 letters in english. today we will learn 4 letters.


look at the letter cards. letters h**e two kinds of forms---big letters and small letters. printed form and handwriting form.



ss: yes

t: very good, now let us learn the first letter read after me. a(跟我读)

ss: at: write after me. (大写的a占我们拼音线上的前三条线也就是前两空行,注意手写体都有点向右倾斜,分三笔完成。)

ss: …学生跟着老师边写边读)

t: (小写的a只占中间的空行,同样要有点倾斜且要一笔写完,先画个半圆再留一条尾巴)

ss: …t:(同学们学会了吗?

那么接下来我们就学习第二个字母b, )read after me. b (大写的b占上面两行,分两笔完成,第一笔先写竖,同学们要写的倾斜一点,接第二笔是两个半圆,有点像数学的3)

ss: …t: (完成了大写的b,我们来学习小写的b,小写的b也是占两行,第一笔是竖同样要斜着写,第二笔只有一个半圆,在第二和第三条横线之间)

ss: …t: (第三个字母是c) read after me. c

ss: …t: (c占前面的两空行,写的时候要倾斜,一笔完成)


ss: …t: (学完了c我们要来学d)read after me. d

ss: …t:(大写的d占前面两行,第一笔是竖写的时候要注意斜着写,第二笔是一个大的半圆。)

ss: …t: (小写的d 也是占前面的两行,第一笔是小半圆,第二笔是一竖。)

ss: …t: can you find the different between b and d. (同学们有没有发现小写的b 和d 有什么不同?)

ss: 一个半圆向左一个向右。

t: very good!(是的小写的b的半圆是在右边而小写的d的半圆在左边,所以同学们写的时候要注意了)

t: now i will show you the picture and you say the words. (老师给出**让同学读)

t—ss: …

t: can you write the letters? who want to try? (谁想来试试读这几个字母呢?)

ss: me

t: ok, you please.

ss: …t: anyone else? (老师让几个同学上来写字母)

t: you are so cle**er!

step3: practice and games

t: boys and girls, would you like to play a game?

ss: yes

t: we will divide into 4 groups, group1 will be a, group2 will be b, group3 will be c, group4 will be d. when i say a, group 1 must stand up.

the same, when i say b, group2 must stand up. understand? (解释)

ss: yes

t: good, this is group1, this is group2, this is group3, and this is group4. let’s begin!


t—sst: group n win! let us cheer for them!

t: would you like to play another game?

ss: yes

t: now, i will show you some pictures and some new words. and then you should find which picture is missing.

if you know the answer, please stand up and give me your answer as soon as you can. (适当中文解释)

t: ok, look at the picture and try to remember them. now, who can tell me what is missing?


ss: t: very good! now, let’s do it again.

t: now, we will learn some culture knowledge. would you like to know, how sarah and she’s friends spend theirs teacher’ day.


ss:想。t: let’s look, turn to page 11. look, what are they doing? (解释)

ss: 做卡片。

t:good! (是的他们做卡片送给miss white祝她教师节快乐) let’s listen, what they are saying? (老师**录音片)

t: what can you hear?

ss: …t:they say “happy teachers’ day” (他们说老师教师节快乐,“happy teacher’ day”就是教师节快乐的意思,就像我们的亲人朋友生日我们说happy birthday一样)understand?


t: read after me, happy teachers’ day, happy teachers’ day, happy teachers’ day.

ss: …t: can you hear what miss white say?(翻译)

ss: …t:she say “thank you” (谢谢) read after me, thank you, thank you, thank you.

ss: …t:would you like to listen to another song?

ss: yes

老师**happy teachers’ day的歌曲。

step4: summary

t: very good, do you h**e a good time?


第一课时。教学内容 生字 词语,课文第一自然段。教学目标 理解课文第一自然段,并背诵。体会燕子的外形特点,并能从中学习一定的观察方法。教学重 难点 学习生字词,体会燕子的外形特点,学习由整体到部分的观察方法。教学过程 一 导入 1 同学们,愉快的寒假结束了,伴随着新学期的开始,我们又迎来了一个生机勃...


2018 2019学年度第一学期素质展示1810.三年级英语。时间 40分钟总分 100分 听力部分 40分 一 魔力神眼 听录音,选出你所听到的 听两遍 10分 1.ab 2.ab 3.ab 4.ab.5.ab 二 耳聪目明 根据所听顺序用阿拉伯数字给下列 排序。听两遍 10分 三 智力冲浪 听录...


三年级下册英语第一单元单词练习题。unit 1 孩子们,你们还记得我们学过的单词吗?试着说出他们的汉语朋友吧!boy girl teacher student this my friend i am i m nicegood mornig odbye too welcomeback new wher...