
发布 2023-11-16 12:30:03 阅读 8194

unit 13 we’re trying to s**e the earth!

period 1 section a (1a—2c)

语言目标 1 学习掌握词汇。

litter,bottom,fisherman,coal,ugly,2 句子we’re trying to s**e the earth.

people are throwing litter into the river.

the river used to be so clean.

everyone should help to clean up the river.

3重点难点 :复习巩固现在进行时态, 情态动词被动语态。


汉译英。尽力拯救地球2 噪音污染。






合作**。to do 尽力做某事。

we’re trying to s**e the earth.

try one’s best to do 尽某人最大努力做某事。

n. 垃圾(不可数)相当于rubbish v. 乱扔。

people are throwing litter into the river.

don’t __on the floor with books.

n. 污染 pollute v.

there___a lot of pollution in our city.

the poisonous smokethe fresh air .

反义词top at the bottom of 在---底部。

渔民 fishermen复数 , 类似policeman,englishman

a part in 参与。

luck played a part in his success.



eg. the car mustn’t be parked here.


to be过去常常---

the river used to be so clean.

up 清理;打扫, 代词做宾语时只能放在clean up 中间。

everyone should help to clean up the river.

everyone should help to clean it up.


you smoke? how do you feel about __

2. people don’t like to be kept

3. the pie can behot or cold.

4. they had funfootball in the park last sunday.

5. —what made you so upset? —i___my new bicycle.


1 、in order to make our city more beautiful, more trees and flowers___every year.

a will plant b should plant c should be planted

2、class being . please stop __

a talking b to talk c talk d talked

3、the coat isn’t expensive. i can afford it

a sell b borrow c lend d buy

4、the book is goodi___my brother likes reading it.

a not only; but also b neither; nor c both; and d either; or

5books in our school library is about 20000. and___books are good for us to read.

a a number of; the number of b the number of; a number of

c a number of; a number of d the number of; the number of


1、we must keeppractice) the piano. the music festival is coming.

2、he triedwork) hard to s**e more money.


1、we should s**e the sharks.(改为被动语态)

the sharkss**ed by us.

2、the river used to be so clean. (改为一般疑问句)

___the riverbe so clean?

3、i h**e ever taken part in an environmental project. (改为一般疑问句)

___you everan environmental project?

4、i take the bus to work.(改为同义句)

i __to work

5、we are trying to s**e the earth.(对划线部分提问)

___are you trying to __


unit2.1.过去常常。2.习惯于做 3.被用来做。4.被某人使用。5.他长什么样?6.他过去长什么样?7.你过去怕黑吗?7.开始上学。8.担心 9.一直。10.等一会,别挂断。11.在游泳队。12.开 关着灯。13.开 关着门 窗。14.我最大的问题。15.现在。16.起床早。17.整天呆在学校...


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