人教版新目标英语九年级 Unit11单元知识点小结

发布 2022-08-14 07:24:28 阅读 3557

unit 11 sad movies make me cry.


1. yes, she was, and waiting for her drove me crazy. 是的,等她让我发疯了。

drive sb. +adj. 使某人怎样 (drive sb. crazy/mad 使某人发疯/发狂)

he nearly drove alice mad with his fussing. 他的小题大做简直快把爱丽丝逼疯了。

① that thing almost那件事几乎要使我发狂了。

② you'llsome day. 你总有一天会把妈妈急疯了的。

2. then she won't feel left out. 那么她就不会感到自己被人遗忘。

feel left out (感到)被忽略;被冷落。

mary talked to her so that she wouldn't feel left out. 玛丽和她交谈,以免让她觉得被冷落。

no one speaks to him, he always他总是觉得被人冷落。

3. he slept badly and didn't feel like eating.他的睡眠很糟糕,他也不想吃东西。

feel like doing 想要做某事(=want to do = would like to do)

i do not feel like dancing now. 我现在不想跳舞。

i don'tanything now. 我现在什么都不想吃。

=i don'tanything now. =ito eat anything now.

4. his face was always pale as chalk. 他总是面色苍白。

(as) pale as chalk (一种明喻修辞结构,意思是脸色“惨白;苍白”。)

you looked as pale as chalk when you went into hospital. 你进医院时面色苍白。

you looktoday. what's wrong? 今天你看着面色苍白,**不舒服?

★ 英语常用pale来描述人不健康的面色 “煞白;苍白;灰白”等。

5. one day, a doctor was called in to examine the king. 一天,医生被传唤去给国王检查身体。

call in 召来,叫来,找来。

i think we should call in a specialist. 我想我们应当去请一位专家来。

① he only waited two minutes before he他只等了两分钟就被叫了进去。

the doctor at once. 马上去请医生来。

6. neither medicine nor rest can help him. 药物和休息对他都无帮助。


类似的有:either...or...not only...but also...there be...等。

① neither he nor ibe)from beijing.

② either you or the twinsbe, go)there next week.

③ not only the students but also the teacheralready know)the news.

④ there __be)one child and fifty old people found after the earthquake in the past 10 days.

⑤ both my sister and iteachers.

⑥ either you or tomh**e)to clean the room.

both, either & neither(作代词,常构成。of )

neither of...两者都不(作主语,谓语用单数)

both of...两者都(作主语,谓语用复数数)

either of...两者中的任何一个(作主语,谓语用单数)

⑦ either of his parents __be)a doctor. 他的父母中有一个是医生。

⑧ neither of his parents __be)a doctor. 他的父母都不是医生。

⑨ both of his parents __be)doctors. 他的父母都是医生。

7. i'm always worried about losing my power. many people are trying to take my position.


be worried about = worry about 担心

① wemy grandpa's health. 我们总是担心我爷爷的健康。

take one's position 取代某人的位置(=take one's place)

② heas i couldn't attend the speech.


8. how could he h**e missed scoring that goal? 他怎么会错过进球?

could h**e done 表示“过去本能做…但未做”,含“责备”意义。

① how __hesuch a fool? 他怎么这么糊涂?

② how __shewhat kind of man he was? 她怎么会忘记他是哪种人呢?

miss doing sth. 错过做某事。

③ because of the traffic jam ithe flight. 由于交通堵塞,我错过乘坐这次航班。

9. he was really worried that his coach might kick him off the team. 他真的很担心教练会踢他离开团队。

kick sb. off 开除某人。

tim made a big mistake, and the managerthe company.


10. but whatever it was, don't be too hard on yourself. 但不管结果怎样,不要对自己要求太苛刻。

be hard on sb. 严格要求……;对……过于严厉

① hetheir students. 他对学生严格要求。

② perhapsmy daughter. 或许我对我女儿要求过头了。

11. the next day, peter went to soccer practice with courage rather than fear in his heart.


rather than 并非;而不是

① ishould do the work. 该做这工作的是我, 而不是你。

② the most valuable thing is time最珍贵的是时间, 而不是金钱。

12. but i think if we continue to pull together, we're going to win the next one.


pull together 齐心协力; 通力合作(=work together)

if all of usthere must be something we can do to improve the environment.

如果我们都能齐心协力, 我们一定能做点什么来改善环境。

巩固提升。 )1. he would rather __money to charity than __himself expensive things.

a. to donate; buy b. donate; buyc. donating; buying

)2. the movie is __wonderful __i want to see it again.


unit2.1.过去常常。2.习惯于做 3.被用来做。4.被某人使用。5.他长什么样?6.他过去长什么样?7.你过去怕黑吗?7.开始上学。8.担心 9.一直。10.等一会,别挂断。11.在游泳队。12.开 关着灯。13.开 关着门 窗。14.我最大的问题。15.现在。16.起床早。17.整天呆在学校...


unit 1.how do you study for a test?一 词组。sb.for help 向某人请求帮助。at all not a little根本不。mistakes make a mistake犯错误 onwith处理 与how搭配 do with 处理 与what搭配 angry...


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