
发布 2022-07-31 15:34:28 阅读 5174

plan for the whole unit

teaching objectives


1 能运用i like …that…/i prefer…that…句型谈论自己的喜好(express preferences)

2 能使用不同的语言描述**/**人/组合。

has great lyrics/is loud/is gentle/can sing along with/can dance to…)

3 能使用that, which引导的定语从句谈论某事物(—i like music that/which i can dance to.)

4 能使用who, whom, that,引导的定语从句谈论某人(—i like singers who/whom/that write their own lyrics.)

5 能询问并回答有关**喜好的问题(what kind of music do you like? –i like music that …

does he like the modern?--no, he doesn’t. he prefers …

6 能评论一张cd或一部电影或一本书并给出原因(i like/don’t like … because it …;remind of…)

7 读懂简单的评论, 并能写一则评论(书评,影评或乐评)

8 写回信,介绍自己对于语言,**,食物和电影等方面的喜好。

9 能根据语言特点区分口语与书面语。

10 树立健康的饮食观,养成良好的饮食习惯。

period arrangement

very confident ④ quite confident ③ confident ② slightly confident ① not confident



plan for every period

period 1 section a 1a,1b,1c,2a,2b,2c

teaching aims


1 谈论喜好;i like/don’t like…; i prefer…

2 掌握目标语言:

1) 生词和词组:prefer; lyric, gentle

2) 重点句子:

i like music that i can sing along with.

i prefer music that has great lyrics.

3 学会描述**,**人或组合。

teaching aids

multiple media player

teaching procedures


step 1 leading-in (3’)

t:good afternoon, boys and girls!

to the students.

t: do you like music?

s:…t: you all like music, then do you want to go to a concert?

s: yes,…

t: good, you all like music and want to go to a concert , then i’ll tell you some good news, our city is holding a concert on spring festival, look, the reporter is interviewing people in the street.

section a 1a

step 2 presentation (14’)

1 look at the screen.

ppt reporter: what kind of music do you like?

a: i prefer music that has great lyrics.

t: here prefer means like , i prefer music means i like music, and lyrics means the words of the songs. now read after me.

ppt reporter: what kind of music do you like?

b: i love music that i can sing along with. ask the students to read the conversation together.

ppt reporter: what kind of music do you like?

c: i like music that isn’t too loud.

ppt reporter: what kind of music do you like?

d: i like music that i can dance to.

t: different people like different kinds of music, pointing to ppt, then in a,b,c and d, which one do you agree with? if you agree with a, please read a.

how about b? ok, and c? and the last sentence d?

students read the 4 sentences according to their agreements.

ppt a: i prefer music that has great lyrics.

b: i love music that i can sing along with.

c: i like music that isn’t too loud.

d: i like music that i can dance to.

2 let’s learn

ppt prefer sth/doing sth

prefer +n+ to+ n

prefer +doing+ to+ doing

prefer +to do +rather than +do

3 let’s write

to the students.

t: what kind of music do you like? can you write your own sentence?

you can use these phrases to write.

ppt has great lyrics; is very moving(感人的); touch people deeply;(深深地打动人); singers sing the words clearly(歌手吐词很清晰)

ask 2 students to write their sentences on the blackboard, then read them together.

1bstep 3 listening practice (4’)

t: just now we talked about our f**orite music, now my friends tony and betty are talking about their f**orite music too, listen and check the music they like.

1) play the recording.

2) let’s check the answers.

参*** music that i can dance to. betty

music that has great lyrics. tony

music that i can sing along with. tony and betty

录音原文。betty: oh, look ! there is the new cool kids cd.

tony: the cool kids? do you like them?

betty: oh, yeah. they are my f**orite band. i like music that i can dance to.

tony: you are kidding. i think they are awful .

i prefer music that has great lyrics… music that i can sing along with.

betty: i like music that i can sing along with too. so what’s your f**orite band?

tony: the lions. their words are interesting and …

1cstep 4 pair-work (4’)

1 ask two students to read the sample conversation in the box to the class.

to two students.

2 ask the students to help the reporter to interview their classmates.

t: work in groups ,make your own conversations about music you like.


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