
发布 2023-09-12 16:35:54 阅读 9266


unit 8 h**e you read treasure island yet?

第一课时section a(1a-2d)



a.使学生学习并掌握现在完成时的用法,学习“already, yet”在现在完成时中的用法。


1.—h**e you read treasure island yet?—yes, i h**e.

/no, ih**en’t..2.—h**e you decided which book to write about yet?

yes, i finished reading it. it was really good.


重点:学习用“h**e you…yet? i’ve already…”等谈论过去的经历。

难点:初步理解already, yet在现在完成时中的用法。2.







1.重点词语: yet / already


we h**e already cleaned the classroom.我们已经打扫了教室。yet用于疑问句中表示“已经”;用于否定句中表示“还(没)”。

例如:—has he found his watch yet?—no, not yet.

单项选择:—h**e you done most of your jobs?

noti will do them in a minute. a. neither b. never c. already d. ye


steve, h**e you decided yet which book to write about for english class?斯蒂夫,你已经决定英语课写哪本书了吗?

which book to write about意为“写哪一本书”,此处为“疑问词+动词不定式”结构,在句中作宾语。

i can’t decide when to start.我不能决定何时动身。

i am thinking about how to deal with the problem.我正在考虑怎样处理这个问题。[拓展]常用于此结构的疑问词还包括疑问代词who, whom, what及疑问副词when, where和how。

he taught me how to pronounce it.他教我如何发音。i didn’t decide where to live.我没有决定住哪儿。

2012·呼和浩特)—which dress do you like best, madam?—sorry, i can’t decidenow.

a. to buy which one b. buy which onec. which one to buy d. which i should buy it3


it was really good, so icouldn’tput it 意为“记下;放下”,为“动词+副词”型短语,宾语若为代词,应放在put与down中间。(2012·河北your name on the ***** and you can get a cut down b. look down c.

turn down d. put down【当堂达标】(10分)一、根据首字母提示写词。(5分)1.he dto go for a trip.

2.hup, or you will be late.

3.the movie is so fi like it very much.

4.he is iin english so his english grade is very good.5. when i g___up i want to be a doctor.

二、用所给单词正确形式填空。(5分)1. he has justcopy) all the words.

2. when you finishread) the book, please rememberreturn) it to the library on time.

3. last year, theybuy) a new computer.4. h**e youpack) the camera yet?

5. i h**e alreadyput) it in my suitcase.【课后巩固】一、汉译英(每题2分,共20分)




1.——whydon’tyou readtoday’snews*****?——becausethere’s___in nothing interesting b.

anything interesting c. interesting something anything

2.——h**e you ever read english novelsa. yes, i do.

b. yes, i h**e. c.

no, i h**e. d. no, idon’t.

3.——h**e you done most of your jobs?——noti will do them in a minute.

a. really b. at all c.

already d. yet

4. he does business in shanghai. he __shanghai the day after tomorrow.

a. le**es for b. is le**ing for c.

left to d. is le**ing to 5. beijinga lot in the past ten years.

now it has become one of the biggest modernin the world.

a. changes; citiesb. changed; city c. has changed; cities d. changed; cities三、根据。


we __already __the classroom. it’s clean and tidy everywhere.2.我已经看完这部电影。

ithe movie already.


ithis pen only three times. it is still good.

4.我的叔叔是一位作家,自从2024年以来他已经写了10多本书了。my uncle is a writer.

hemore than ten books since 1990.5. tony小时候每个周末都踢足球。

tom __football every weekend when he was young.


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