
发布 2023-09-12 16:35:54 阅读 8286




一)预习内容及目标:预习课本第9页的单词和对话, 初步理解对话含义并完成课本 1a中的周末活动清单。

二)检测内容及方法: 短语翻译(请同学们关上课本独立完成,完成后对子间相互批阅。)

1.在周末2.去看电影 ever __shopping __


展示课导学】 (一)学习内容: unit 2 how often do you exercise? section a 1a、1b、1c

二)学习目标:通过对话和听力的操练,学会运用always, usually, often, sometimes, never, hardly ever等频度副词描述周末的活动。


当堂反馈(6’) 根据汉语提示填空完成句子,每空一词 (关上书本,独立完成。做完后对子间相互批阅。)

1.你通常每个周末做什么? whatyoudo

2.她经常去购物。 she

3.我哥哥有时呆在家里看电视。 my brothertv at home .

4.这个男孩几乎从不锻炼。the boy

一、基础题: 基本句型及交际用语。

1. –what she often on weekends? 周末她经常做什么?

–she oftenmovies. 她经常去看电影。

2.—what you usually on saturday? 你通常周六做什么?

--i usually shopping my mother. 我通常和我妈妈去购物。

3do you watch tv? 你多久看一次电视?

--i watch tv我每天都看。

4. –how often he他多久锻炼一次?

--he three a week. 他一周锻炼三次。

5. –what’s your你最喜欢的节目是什么?

-it’s animal world. 动物世界。

二、发展题 :单项选择。

1. the girl goes to the movies

a. one time a week b. two times a week c. once time a week d. twice a week

2. when does hehis homework?

a. do b. does c. is d. are

3. after dinner, she

a. watches tv b. reads news*****s c. listens to music d. all above

4. mr greenus english.

a. teach b. teaches c. teachs d. teaching

5. what does he usually doweekends.

a. in b. on c. for d. of

6. my mothergoes to work on foot.

a. sometime b. some times c. sometimes d. some time

7. –what does your father do in the morning?

-- he usually

a. watch tv b. surf the internet c. exercises d. read english book

8do you go to the bookstore?

--once a month.

a. how often. many times many long

9. lucy is very fat because sheexercises and eats a lot.

a. often b. always

10. my father watches tv .

a week a week a week


1. i watch tv every day. (对划线部分提问)

2. my f**orite movie is titanic. (对划线部分提问)

3. they always see a film on saturdays. (改为同义句)

they alwayson saturdays.

4. my parents go shopping twice a month. (对划线部分提问)

5. d**id surfs the internet every day. (改为一般疑问句)


unit2 what s the matter?section a 文都中学张建书。学习目标 1 学习单词和短语2 学习谈论健康及建议。学习重点和难点 谈论健康及建议。学法指导 识图联想。学习过程 一 你能从书中查出下列词汇吗?怎么了感冒胃痛背痛牙痛头痛胳膊 耳朵 眼睛脚手 头 腿 嘴 脖子 鼻子 ...


unit2 重点短语和句型。重点短语。1.how often 多久一次 once a day how long 多长时间 for how soon 多久以后 in 2.always help with housework help sb.to do housework总是帮忙做家务。3.usuall...


知识梳理。1 argue v 争论 争吵 argue with sb 与某人吵架。i argued with my best friend 我和我的好朋友吵架了。同步练习 翻译。我不想与我的父母争吵。2 either too also either adv.用于否定句 也。he doesn t h ...