
发布 2023-09-12 16:35:54 阅读 5421

unit 8h**e you read treasure island yet?




full of,grow up,put down,hurry up,give up,cut down,science fiction,can’t wait to dosth.,wake up,country music,ever since,belong to,one another,the number of3.能掌握以下句型:

h**e you read little woman yet?—no,i h**en’t.

has tina read treasure island yet?—yes,she thinks it’s fantastic.

h**e you decided which book to write about yet?

ever since then,she has been a fan of american country do you feel about his book?

h**e you ever played her songs yourself?



部分继续通过丰富多彩的课堂活动,以及形式多样的综合练习,对本单元的知识进行深入的学习。pair work和group work活动贯穿于教学的各个环节,使学生能够更好地将知识运用到实践中。






第一课时section a 1a—2d

教学目标。1.记忆单词和短语:treasure, island, full of, page, hurry, hurry up。

2.掌握句型:—h**e you read treasure island yet?

—yes, i h**e./ no, i h**en’ you decided yet which book to write about for english class?

3.学习现在完成时及already, yet在现在完成时中的运用。教学内容。


1.学习用“h**e you…yet? i’ve already…”等谈论过去的经历。2.理解already, yet在现在完成时中的用法。教学过程。

stepⅰ.lead instepⅱ.discussion

t:boysandgirls, check (√the ones you know. just now we talked about the western classics;now let’s come to 1a.

stepⅲ.while-listening activities (1)task 1:listen for the general idea of 2:

listen and complete the chart.

up your own activities (2)

task 1:listen and find the general idea of 2a&2b.

task has read these books? circle the and role-play 2d

amy and steve are talking about the books they h**e let’s come to the conversation and answer the questions:(1)what book has steve finished reading?(2)what book is amy reading?

some main points in the the conversation after the teacher.

in the

write a story about a book you h**e read.板书设计。

section a (1a-2d)

words and phrases: treasure, island, full of, page, hurry, hurry upsentences:—h**e you read treasure island yet?

—yes, i h**e./ no,i h**en’t.

h**e you decided yet which book to write about for english class?h**eyou…yet?/has… yet?

i/ you h**e already…教学反思。



八下 unit 8 导学案。知识点总结 section a you read little woman yet?你读过 小妇人 这本书吗?解析 现在完成时现在完成时的基本句型 肯定式 主语 助动词h e has 动词的过去分词。疑问式 助动词h e has 主语 动词的过去分词?否定式 主语 助动词...

人教版八年级英语下册知识要点 Unit8

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人教版八年级英语下册Unit8学案 学生版

unit 8 学生通过本讲学习,能够掌握本单元的重点词汇句型,并在综合能力上有一定的拓展。1.full of be full of 充满 fill with用。来充满,填满。2.hurry up 赶快,急忙,做谓语 in a hurry 匆忙地,做状语。3.ever since 自从,和现在完成时连...