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unit 2 how often do you exercise?

本单元的教学内容围绕“多久做一次运动”这一话题展开。section a是基本语言内容的收集和学习,这一部分引导学生通过本课的语言素材进行看图说话、句型演练、实际描述,通过对话表演等使学生能够正确地使用表示做什么活动的词组,多久做一次的句型,从而熟练地谈论多久做一次活动。section b是知识的扩展和语言的综合运用,是在section a的基础上,锻炼学生能够自如地谈论自己的生活习惯。


teaching goals 【教学目标】

key words:


key phrases:

how often,on weekends,go to the movies,help with housework,hardly ever,go shopping,once/twice a week/a month,swing dance

key sentences:

do you usually do on weekends?i often go to the movies.

often do you watch tv?i watch tv every day.

teaching key points 【教学重点】

the vocabulary:

housework,hardly,ever,once,twice,how often,on weekends,go to the movies,go shopping,help with housework,once/twice/three times a week/a month

target language:

what do you usually do on weekends?i often go to the movies. does he go shopping?

no,he never goes shopping. how often do you h**e piano lessons?twice a week,on wednesday and friday.

teaching difficult points 【教学难点】

adverbs of frequency:always,usually,often,sometimes,hardly ever,never

2.target language above.

teaching aids 【教学工具】

an english textbook,a tape recorder,cai or courseware.

teaching steps 【教学过程】

step 1 leading in

1.greetings:talk about something the students did on summer vacation.

2.check the homework.

step 2 pre-task

page 9,1a.

1.look at the picture.

2.name each activity.

t:what are they doing?

s:they are shopping/reading/exercising/watching tv/helping with housework. (help the students to answer.

)3.write the activities on the line.

4.check the answers on the board.

5.practice reading.

page 9,1c.

1.focus on the conversation in the box.

2.practice reading.

3.pair-work:what do you do on weekends?i...

4.group-work:divide the class into groups of four or five. make conversations.

first s1 to s2:

s1:what do you do on weekends?


s1:what does she/he do on weekends?


5.act out their own dialogues.

step 3 while-task

page 9,1b.

1.look at each picture above what the person does on weekends. check the ss orally.

2.make sure what they will hear and do.

3.read these adverbs and explain.

4.play the tape twice. write the letters on the line.

page 10,2a & 2b.

1.read the activities and the answers of “how often” first.

2.practice reading.

3.in 2a we should know the activities you hear. in 2b we should know the answers of how often he does the activities.

4.play the tape for the first time. ss only listen.

5.play the tape a second time. ss do 2a.

6.play the tape a third time. check the answers.

7.play the tape. ss do 2b.

8.check the answers.

in this part,we should pay attention to “how often” cause of special questions and answers.

step 4 post-task

page 10,2c & 2d.

1.focus on the conversation in 2c first.

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