
发布 2023-08-29 19:39:43 阅读 7986

unit 3 period one p.18-20




傻的。4. earring/’iri/n.耳环

二、词组。 their ears pierced穿耳朵(为了戴耳环)

driver’s license=a driving license驾驶执照。



of 代替

rather than doing sth.


stay up doing sth.熬夜做某事。

三、句子。should be allowed to get their ears pierced.16岁的人应该被允许穿耳朵。

are too silly.他们太傻。=they are not clever enough.他们不够聪明。(enough在形容词后,在名词前。)

should stop wearing that silly earring.他应该停止戴那个愚蠢的耳环。

stop to do sth.停下来做某事,stop doing sth.停止做某事)

talk instead of doing homework.他们聊天不做作业。(代替做作业)

someone who is allowed to stay up until 11pm.发现某人被允许晚上熬夜到11点。

四、语法。一、 动词allow

sb. to do sth.允许某人做某事,例:he allows me to drive.他允许我开车。

doing sth.允许做某事,例:we don’t allow running in public.我们不允许在公共场所跑步。

allowed to do sth.被允许做某事, be allowed被允许,例:you are allowed to smoke here.

你被允许在这吸烟。smoking is allowed here.吸烟在这里是被允许的。



i like meat. so does she.我喜欢肉。她也是。



i don’t drink wine. neither does he.我不喝酒。他也不。



例如:many people speak english.(主动语态)许多人讲英语。

english is spoken by many people.(被动语态)英语被许多人讲。

my mother clean the room.(主动语态)我妈妈打扫房间。

the room is cleaned by my mother.(被动语态)房间被我妈妈打扫。

主动句: 主语 + 及物动词 + 宾语。

被动句: 主语 + be+及物动词的过去分词 + by+宾语。



例如:tvs are sold(sell) in that shop. 电视在那家店里被**。(谁在**不知道)

the car was parked in front of his uncle’s house.车被停在他叔叔的屋前。(谁停的不知道。)

all the work must be finished before may.所有的工作必须在五月前被完成。(谁来完成不知道)


例如:food is needed by every living thing.食物被每个生物所需要。


it is said that……,据说……。

it is reported that……,据报道……。


1. ▲一般现在时的被动语态:am/is/are +及物动词的过去分词。

lilei waters flowers every day.李雷每天浇花。(主动语态)

flowers are watered by lilei every day.花每天被李雷浇水。(被动语态)

2. ▲一般过去时的被动语态:was/were +及物动词的过去分词。

we played football yesterday.我们昨天踢了足球。(主动语态)

the football was played by us yesterday.足球昨天被我们踢了。(被动语态)

3. ▲含有情态动词的被动语态:情态动词 +be +及物动词的过去分词。

i should eat an egg.我应该吃个鸡蛋。(主动语态)

the egg should be eaten by me.这个鸡蛋应该被我吃。(被动语态)

he can use the pen.他能使用这支笔。(主动语态)

the pen can be used by him.这支笔能被他使用。(被动语态)


1. 对我们来说太冷了不能游泳。

it is___cold for us __swim.=it is __cold that i __swim.

it is notfor us to swim.

2. 他们在那么大时还不够稳重。

they aren’tat

3. he stopped __talk) to me when he saw me.

4. can we stop __argue) about it? it’s no use.

5. he doesn’t go to school at finds a part-time job.(同义句)

he goes to the part-time jobto school.

6. please allow me __open)the windows. it made me __feel)sick here.

7. my parents don’t allow me __drive).

8. we don’t allow __smoke) in public.

9. the school allows __run) on the playground.

10. you are allowedwatch) tv every night.

11. 我认为12岁的孩子不应该在周末打工。

i __think __should bework __weekends.

12. 我们将可以自己选择衣服而不是穿校服。

we’ll be __to __our __clothesuniforms.

13. 我被父母允许出去上网。

i’mgo out to __the internet by my parents.

14. look at the sign on the right. oh, parkingallow)here.

15. we h**e an english test on monday. he has it, too.(同义句)

we h**e an english test on monday

16. 她喜欢苹果,我也是。she likes apples, so___i.

17. 我曾常在晚饭后散步。我也是。i used to go out for a walk after supperi.

18. 我已经把钱都给了穷人。我也是。i h**e given all my money to the poori

19. 他们不相信这件事。我也不。they can’t believe thisi.

20. 我弟弟不能算出答案我也不能。my younger brother couldn’t work out the answer andi

21. when our home workdo), we will go to play football.

22. mooncakesmake)by my mother every year.

and more foreigners speak chinese in the world now.(改为被动)

chineseby more and more foreigners in the world now.

didn’t allow peter to stay up late.(同义句)

peterto stay up late by mother.

phototake) ten years ago.

earthquake destroyed thousands of houses.(改被动)


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