
发布 2022-08-02 19:28:28 阅读 1254


一. 听写topic1的单词。

by the way顺便说 develop(v)__development(n)__developing country (发展中国家)__developed country(发达国家)

keep in touch with sb 与莫人保持联系 the reform and opening-up policy 改革开放政策 succeed in doing sth 成功做末事—success(n)—successful(adjconsider sb as ··consider sb to be ··认为··怎么样。

consider doing sth 考虑做什么。

二. 点课文中的重点。

三. 讲现在完成时、及所有时态。

一现在完成时的构成:主语 + h**e/has + 过去分词 (过去分词:规则动词的过去分词构成与动词过去式相同;不规则动词需要特殊记忆。-略 )

exercises1] 选择填空。

enghish in this school since 1999.

a)taught (b)h**e taugh(c)teach (d)would teach

the pen for five years

a)has had (b)bought (c)h**e had (d)h**e bought

) her grand mother's photo before.

a)h**en't seen (b)h**e seen (c)see (d)hasn't seen

)4. mary you these days.

a)has,seen (b)do,see(c)did,see (d)is,seeing

) far,we thousands of building in quanzhou

a)build (b)h**e build (c)build (d)will build

二、否定式:主语 + h**en’t/hasn’t + 过去分词。

疑问式: h**e /has + 主语 + 过去分词?

简略答语: yes, 主语 + h**e/has.(肯定)

no, 主语 + h**en’t/hasn’t.(否定)

exercises2] 选择填空。

)1.——h**e you finished your work?

a) yes,i h**e.(b) yes,i do. (c) yes, i am. (d)yes,idid.

2.——has she ever learned english?

a) yes, she has. (b) yes, she does. (c) no, she doesn’t (d)no, she has

) finished his homework. yet

a)doesn’t (b)h**en’t (c) hasn’t(d) doesn’t h**e

三现在完成时的含义之一表示过去发生或已经完成的动作对现在造成的影响或结果,常与never/ever,just,already/yet,before。so far等连用。

)1.——h**e you tr**elled on the train.

yes, i h**e.

a)never (b)everc)justd)yet

)2.——h**e you finished your homework

nota)ever (b)already (c)yet (d)just

) 3. we h**en't finished our homework

a)already (b)everc)yetd)never

4.——h**e youlearned english?

—yes, i'velearned a lot.


四、现在完成时含义之二表示过去已经开始,一直延续到现在的动作或状态。常与for, since, how long,, these days等连用。


for+一段时间(数词+量词),(for短语表示动作延续多长时间,for的宾语为时间段)。此划线部分用how long提问。

exercises4] a)用since和for填空。

ve been like this ever snice

a)last week (b) for aweek(c)a week before(d)thelast week

mother has worked in this factory2 years.

a)about (b)for (c)in (d)since

)3. i h**en't heard from himlast week.

a)since (b) for (c)ago (d)before

) father joined the party___

a)for three years (b)since three years ago

c)three years ago (d)in two years' time

) moved here in 1999,and he has been here

a)at that time (b)for five years ago

c)since four years (d)for four years

) has been away from homeabout five days ago.

ab)inc)since (d)for

五、句式:主句(现在完成时)+since+ 从句(一般过去时)

exercies 5] 选择填空。

) enghish in our school ever since she here.

a)has taught, comeb)taught ,came

c)has taught, has comed)teaches,has come

) teacher in our school since he__ to china.

a)has taught ..comeb)taught,…come

c)has taught,has ..comed)teaches,has … come

六、句式:it’s +一段时间+since从句(用一般过去时)

exercies 6] 选择填空。

( )ten years since she .

a)has left (b)has been away (c)left (d)le**e

( )2. it’s three years since he the army .

(a)has joined (b)has been in (c)join (d)joined

七、h**e been in, h**e been to 与h**e gone to 的用法。

h**e(has) been in 表示“在某地呆多长时间”,常与表示一段时间的状语连用,如:since, for, how long 等。例如:

mr. brown has been in shanghai for three days.

此外还有这些搭配:h**e been here (there) /at home (school) /on the farm

h**e been here (there) /abroad

h**e(has)been to表示“曾经去过某地”,现在已经不在那里了。可与just, ever, never等连用,

i h**e just been to the post office.

mary has never been to the great wall.


第一单元a所有的短语和重要句子。一 短语 1.在 添加2.和 分享。3.把它捐给慈善机构4.把它放在银行。5.一百万美元6.数百万美元。7.把它捐献给医学研究 8.晚会迟到。9.聚会上任何人10.穿衬衫戴领带。11.担心12.稍微晚点儿。13.带一件小礼物14.和某人谈话。15.不必16.如果 怎么...


九年级英语单元作文 unit 1 九年级英语作文第一单元作文范文以供各位同学参考,希望对于大家的英语写作有所帮助,祝福大家的英语写作水平越来越高并有着更多的收获,关于九年级英语单元作文第一单元,我们一起来分享吧!你的英国笔友frank想学汉语,请你给他写一封信,告诉他如何学习汉语。要求 1.语句通顺...


33 decide not to do 34 1ast for long 35 change a into b 36 regard a as b 37 compare a to b 38 with the help of with one s help 39 do one s duty 40 bre...