Unit2 含答案 试题

发布 2023-05-18 17:54:28 阅读 7652

unit 2 ways to go to school

part a


on foot, by bus, plane, taxi, ship, subway, train


1. how do you come to school?

此问句是由疑问词how引导的特殊疑问句, 用于询问对方的出行方式。 回答时要根据具体情况作答。

2. usually, i come on foot.

此句是对出行方式的回答句。 其中usually意为“通常”, 表示频率很大, on foot意为“步行”, 一般用by表示出行方式。 by后面一定要直接加交通工具的单数形式, 只有“小脚丫”foot与on 搭配, “步行”用on foot表示。


一、 圈出合适的单词补全句子。

1. do you go to school?

2. usually i go to work foot.

3. i go to school by bike.

4. what you,amy?.

5. i usually go to school by .

二、 **匹配。

1. chen jie is going to shanghai by ship.

2. my parents often go to xi'an by train.

3. my home is very near. so i often go to school on foot.

4. -do you go to school by subway?

---yes,my home is far.

5. lili wants to go to the zoo by bike.

三、 看**,补全句子。

1. i go to beijing by plane.

2. i go to the canada by ship.

3. i go to the bookstore by taxi.

4. i go to the hong kong by train.

5. i go to work on foot.



wu yifan is a chinese boy. he is from shanghai. how does he go to these places?

he can go to japan by ship. he can go to australia by plane. he can go to the usa by subway.

he can go to beijing by train. he can go to hangzhou by bus.

part b


slow, down, slow down, stop


1. i must pay attention to the traffic lights.


2. don’t go at the red light!

此句是don’t开头的否定祈使句, don’t后面跟动词原形。意为“不要做某事”。


一、 英汉连连看。

1. be ferrya. 停下等待。

2. traffic lightsb. 乘轮渡。

3. pay attention toc. 慢下来。

4. stop and waitd. 交通信号灯。

5. slow downe. 注意。


1. _b___the usa people on bikes must wear a helmet.

a. onb. inc . at

2. don’t go at the __a___light.

a. redb. greenc. yellow

3. i must __a __attention to the traffic lights.

a. payb. paying c. pays

4. -how can i get to the hospital?

b __the no. 60 bus .

a. buyb. takec. on

5. come___b __h**e a look.

a. withb. andc. or

三、读句子, 将其序号填在正确的灯里。


四、 **匹配。

1. people on bikes must wear a helmet in the usa.

2. you must look right before you cross the road.

3. don’t touch the door.

4. they come to school on foot.

5. we must pay attention to the traffic lights.

五、 连词成句。

1. go, the, light, red, at, don’t (!

don't go at the red light!

2. stop, we, and, must, wait (.

we must stop and wait.

3. i, how, can , to, get, hospital, the (?

how can i get to the hospital?

4. must, i , attention , pay, to, lights, traffic, the (.

i must pay attention to the traffic lights.

六、 阅读对话,选择正确答案。

amy: how do you come to school?

john: usually i come to school by bike.

amy: oh, you must pay attention to the traffic lights. you should look right before you cross the road.

slow down and stop at a yellow light. stop and wait at a red light. go at a green light.

john: thank you. how about you?

amy: i often walk to school.

john: that’s good exercise. you should pay attention to the traffic lights, too.

amy: thanks.

b )1at a red light.

a. let’s go

b. stop and wait

c. slow down and stop

b )2. how does john come to school?

a. by busb. by bikec. on foot.

b )3. wepay attention to the traffic lights.

a. shouldn’t b. mustc. must not

b )4. -does amy often come to school by bike?

a. yes, she does. b. no, she doesn’t. c. yes, she is.

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