
发布 2023-05-18 23:21:28 阅读 6646

unit 2

1. 他的邻居们是什么样的人?what are his neighbours like?

2. 像个大家庭 be like a big family

3. 吴老师经常在生活上帮助我。mr wu often helps me with my life.

4. 需要某方面的帮助 need help with sth

5. 他的电脑怎么了?what’s wrong with his computer?

6. 他电脑坏了。(3)his computer doesn’t work.

there ‘s something wrong with his computer. something is wrong with his computer.

7. 他让一个电脑工程师帮他修电脑。he asks a computer engineer to help him fix his computer.

8. 他让我不要打开窗子。(让某人不要做某事)he asks me not to open the window. (ask sb to do sth)

9. 欢迎像你这样的游客 welcome visitors like you

10. 在你的小区周围 around your neighbourhood

11. 在社区中心集合 meet at the community centre

12. 乐于助人 be ready to help others

13. 大学生 college students

14. 上大学 go to college

15. 购物(2)go shopping=do some shopping

16. 开会 h**e a meeting

17. 能有你们这样的朋友我很幸运。i’m lucky to h**e friends like you.

18. there is something wrong with his computer. (一般疑问句和否定句)

is there anything wrong with his computer?/there is nothing/isn’t anything wrong with his computer.

19. it’s so cloudy. itrainis going to rain

20. today is tuesday. tomorrowbe) wednesday. will be

21. 他明天有空么?will he be free tomorrow?

22. 他乘公共汽车上班。(2)he goes to work by bus.=he takes a bus to work.

23. 效力于一家大公司 work for a big company

24. 她有一个哥哥和妹妹。she has an elder brother and a younger sister.

25. 他家离学校很远。his home is far from his school.

26. 一所离她家很远的学校 a school far from her home

27. 你爸爸是干什么的?(3) what’s your father?

=what does your father do?-what’s your father’s job?

28. 你将来打算做什么?what are you going to be in the future?

29. 听起来是个好主意。that sounds like a good idea.

30. 这个主意听起来不错。the idea sounds good.

31. 病人 sick people=the sick一位病人 a sick person

32. 他生病了。he is ill/sick.

33. 办公室工作人员 an office worker

34. 经理 manager 艺术家 artist

35. 在三月五日下午 on the afternoon of march 5th

36. 看下面的信息 look at the information below

37. 做早操会使你感觉更好。doing morning exercises will make you feel better.

38. 担心为聚会穿什么 worry about what to wear to a party担心做某事 worry about doing sth

39. 对风格和颜色了解的很多 know a lot about styles and colours

40. 听了这个消息我们很开心。(很高兴做某事)

we are happy to hear the news.(be happy to do sth)

41. 不知道做什么 don’t know what to do

42. this is the latest设计).

43. his bike is bit needs repairing.

44. i am feelinggood) these days.

45. a lot of vare willing to do things for people in simon’s neighbourhood.

46. i fell off the bike, but i wasn’t hurt. how li was!

47. both amy and i want to bein the future.(工程师)

48. we can learn different技能) in the class.

49. a lot of vcome to the city every day because it’s a city with many places of interest.

50. when christmas comes, all the pare busy posting cards.

51. what do you want to be in the f

52. the man with long hair is a famous ahe is good at drawing.

53. you can search the internet for some信息) about the community center.

54. after taking the medicine, i feel muchwell).

55. he is busywork) and没时间) play with his children.

56. 乐于助人。

57. 帮我们解决各种问题。


unit 2 2.phrases 1 患感冒h e a cold 2 发烧h e a fever 3 患头痛h e a headache 4 患胃痛h e a stomachache 5 患牙痛h e a toothache 6 患咽喉痛h e a sore throat 7 患背痛h e a so...


一 填空题。1 指向 集中 2 有意注意 无意注意 3 个别属性 整体 4 感受性 感觉阈限5 理解性 知识 经验 6 保持 再认或回忆 7 间接 概括8 问题表征 选择操作 实施操作 评价当前状态 2个组块10 瞬时记忆 短时记忆 长时记忆 11 陈述性知识 对外办事的程序性知识 对内调控的程序性...

Unit2 含答案 试题

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