年级上册英语Unit2同步试题1 含答案

发布 2022-10-23 06:14:28 阅读 2515

2023年5年级上册英语my week同步试题(period 3)一、看图填入所缺字母,并且读一读。


)1. a. beeb.

green()2. a. headb.

sea()3. a. mealb.

me()4. a. feedb.

repeat()5. a. bedb.


一、beef, meet, feet



同步试题(period 4)

一、按照对话内容选择正确答案。1. where are zhang peng and sarah?

a. in the at in the street.

2. does sarah often read books here?a. yes, she no, he doesn’ no, she doesn’t.

3. what does zhang peng often do in this park?a.

he often reads books he often plays football he often listens to music here.4. does sarah like this park?

a: no, she doesn’ we don’t know.

c. yes, she does. she likes it very much.二、看图完成句子。



1. play football, i, do

2. do, often, don’t, read books3. do, draw pictures, yes, draw pictures4.

what, do, do, play ping-pong三、(学生依据实际情况作答。)

1. go swimming2. play computer games3. listen to basketball


同步试题(period 5)一、看图写词组。


what do you do on the weekend?

i often三、连词成句。参***。



二、1. fly a kite, watch tv, play football

2. listen to music, wash my clothes, read books, draw a picture三、1. what do you often do on the weekend?

2. do you often wash the clothes?3.

i often do my homework on saturdays.4. do you often play the piano on the weekend?

同步试题(period 6)

一、按照课文内容选择正确答案。1. what does wu yifan h**e on fridays?a. he has he has he has pe.

2. how’s he feeling now?a. he is he is he is funny.

3. does he often play sports?a. yes, he no, he doesn’t.

c. no, he isn’t.

4. what does he often do on the weekend?a: he often watches sometimes he reads a and b.


jack often plays football onhe hasand moralon

he oftenon saturday. and he has pe, english __mondays. he likes them very much.

because he likes his pe teacher what about you?


i often


二、sundays, music, fridays, does homework, on, tuesdays,三、(学生运用已学知识进行写作。)


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