
发布 2023-05-18 23:25:28 阅读 8678


第三课时reading 自主学习学案(ii)




1). 理解并能运用make有关词组

2). 理解并记忆branch tease translate transform 用法。

3). 掌握并能运用particular的有关词组及用法

4) .掌握并能运用with复合结构的用法。



基础知识预习language points:

重点 key points: (背一背吧!)

1)did you know that english speakers also enjoy other forms of asian poetry---tang poems from china in particular?

2). with so many different forms of poetry to choose from, students may eventually want to write poems of their own.

要点**】1. another ****** form of poem that students can easily write is the cinquain, a poem made up of five lines 由五行组成的诗 (p10 line31))

问题引导:问题1:【句法】句中that 引导__定语___从句,a poem 作___同位语___成分,made up of 作_后置定语___成分。

问题2:make up (含义) _组成,构成编造补上化妆___

five doctors and ten nurses __make___up___the group.五名医生和十名**组成这个小组。

she took over 30 minutes to __make___upher face).她花了30多分钟化妆。

is she telling the truth or __******it all up.她在说实话还是在编造?

can i le**e early this afternoon and make up the time tomorrow?

问题2: 回顾 be made up of 的用法

be made up of = consist of无被动,无进行)

our class __is__ madeup__ of___38 boys and 28 girls.我们班由38个男生和28个女生组成。

this house __is__ madeup__ of___five rooms.这所房子由5个房间组成。

拓展】make up for 弥补。

be made of 由…….做成(看出原料的样子)

be made from 由…….做成(看不出原料的样子)

be made in 在…….地方)做成。

2. a fallen blossom is coming back to the branch. (p10 line35)

问题:查一查branch __分支分行树枝分流。

economics is a branch of science.

the bank has ten branches in the city.

many birds are on the branch.

the river has a lot of branches.

the company’s head office is in the city, but it has __branches分部门) all over the country.

laughing (p10 line36)

问题: tease vi. &vt. _挑逗开玩笑___n.__爱取笑他人的人___词性及含义)

don’t tease the cat 不要逗猫。

don’t be upset; i’m only __teasing___you.别心烦意乱。我只是在跟你开玩笑。

some boys often _tease___me about my name. 一些男孩经常取笑我的名字。

she always laughs at others. what a _tease___she is 他总是嘲笑他人,他是一个多爱取笑他人的人啊!

4. the two haiku poems (f and g) above are translations from the japanese. (p10 line45)

问题1:translation n. 译文译本词性及含义)

read the __translationof this text,please.请读一下这篇课文的译文。

i h**e only read the story in __translation我只读过这个故事的译本。

问题2: translate vi & vt. _翻译___把…译成translateinto___

this famous story _istranslatedby ba jin. 这个著名的故事被巴金翻译了。

in reading english, we shouldn’t __translate___every sentence into chinese.


5. did you know that english speakers also enjoy other forms of asian poetry---tang poems from china in particular? (p10 line48)

问题1:in particular___尤其特别。

john likes to help others,in particular,those who are in trouble.


问题2 :查一查 __particular___adj. 特殊的;特定的 __particularly___adv. 尤其;特别。

_be particular about___对……挑剔。

the government shows __particular___concern for the disabled children. **给与残疾儿童特别的关心。

rice grows well in our county, _particularly___in our village. 我们县里的水稻长得好,尤其在我们村里。

tom is always particular __about___food. 汤姆总是对食物很挑剔。

looking back, transformed into stone.化为石,不回头。(p10 line49)

问题:transform vi.& vt改造;变换 (词性及含义)


the educational systems h**e been __transformeda lot.教育制度进行了很大的改革。

this course transforms water into ice.这个过程把水变成冰。

so many different forms of poetry to choose from,students may eventually want to write poems of their own. (p10 line51)

问题1:[句法]with so many different forms of poetry to choose from是“with+__宾语___宾补___结构。


问题2 :回顾with复合结构。






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