九上Unit2过关检测 答案

发布 2023-05-18 23:22:28 阅读 7787

unit 2 过关检测(满分100,卷面2分)

i. 主题翻译练习—关于改变(3分*10=30分)

1. 在过去的几年中,我变化很大。(change)

i’ve changed a lot in the past/last few years

2. 曾经我对英语不感兴趣,但现在我以它为傲。(pride)

i used to be not interested in english, but now i take pride in it

3. 过去我怕黑,所以常常开着卧室等睡觉。(terrified)

i used to be terrified of the dark, so i went to sleep with my bedroom light on

4. 在他父亲死后,他母亲竭尽所能地照顾好他。(look after)

after his father’s death/after his father died, his mother looked after him as well as she could.__

5. 学生有必要注意他们的书写。(necessary; attention)

it’s necessary for students to pay attention to (their) writing

6. 最后,他决定成为班上最好的学生之一。(decision)

in the end/at last/finally, he made a decision to be/become one of the best students in his class._

7. 我们应该绝不放弃实现我们的理想。(give up)

we should never give up achieving/realizing our dreams

8. 目前,我们支付不起这么贵的车。(afford)

at present, we can’t afford (to buy/pay for) such an expensive car

9. 令我吃惊的是,他不再给他的父母惹麻烦。(cause trouble)

to my surprise, he didn’t cause trouble for his parents anymore

10. 我的问题是我没时间跟朋友一起玩。(problem)

my problem is that i h**e no time to play with my friends



b)1. what __a pen __

a. is; used to doingb. is; used forc. did; used to do d. did; use to do

a)2. you see, how cold it is! it’s __to snow.

a. sureb. mustc. shouldd. need

a)3. —liu xing did well in this examhe got good grades.

a. so he didb. so did hec. he did thatd. he did good

d)4. mr. green found it hard __

a. ****** himself understandb. to make himself understand

c. ****** himself understoodd. to make himself understood

c)5. he is __busy a man __he never looks after his children.

a. very; butb. such; butc. so; thatd. quite; as

c)6. if you want to improve your listening skills, you’d better pay more attention __in class.

a. to listen to the teacherb. to listening the teacher

c. to listening to the teacherd. listening to the teacher

c)7. —we h**en’t heard from jane for a long time! —what do you suppose

a. she happened b. did she happen c. has happened d. h**e happened to her

b)8. there is __time left. you’d better hurry up.

a. a littleb. littlec. muchd. few

c)9. you look unhappy. what makes you __out.

a. stressb. stressing c. stressed d. to stress

d)10. it is __street.

a. a eight-meters-longb. an eight-meters-long

c. a eight-meter-longd. an eight-meter-long

二) 用所给次的适当形式填空。(2分*8=16分)

1. chongqing people give those foreigners a good _impression (impress).

2. please go and see who is crying (cry) in the next room.

3. would you like _to go (go) out for a walk with us after supper?

4. work hard (hard), or you h**e to le**e this company.

5. he was the last one to come, so he missed h**ing (h**e) the last lesson.

the children hardly (hard) do any housework.

7. luckily (luck),he passed the exam without any trouble. he felt _lucky_ (luck).

三) 句型转换。(2分*17=34分)

1. miss king hardly spoke a word the whole time.(完成翻译疑问句)

miss king hardly spoke a word the whole time ,_did_ she ?

2. she seemed worried.(改为同义句)

it seemed_ _that she _was_ worried.

3. i saw he was beating that dog.(改为同义句)

i saw him beating that dog.

4. 他已经死了两年了。(完成译句)

he has _been_ dead_ for two years.

he died two years _ago_.

5. i’m terrified of going out alone. (改为同义句)

i’m afraid to go out alone.

6. there used to be an old tree behind my house.(完成翻译疑问句)

there used to be an old tree behind my house, did_ there ?


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