外研版五年级英语下册完整教案 2019修改

发布 2023-04-18 22:47:28 阅读 9698



module 1 changing

unit 1 we lived in a small house.

学习任务。there weren’t any buses. we lived in a small house.

there are lots of buses and cars. we live in a big house.





教学程序。一. warming up(热身复习)

1. greeting

2. talking about: holiday and changing of you.

二. leading in(课文导入)

t: in the winter holiday, you had a lot of changes. now you are older and cleverer .

i am very glad to see your changes. and write ‘changing’ on the blackboard. tell students ‘everything is changing.

no change, no progresses.

三. new teaching(课文教学)

1. show some old photos and say: look, life was very different many years ago .

but how was it different? today, we will learn how to compare past and present life.

2. listen to the tape and underline the new words.

3. teach the new words.

a. show some new word cards.

b. correct pronunciation.

c. practise new words in different kinds of method.

d. explain important phrases.

4. listen to the tape-recorder and read follow it .

5. act out text.

四. practise(练习)

1. pay attention to sb unit1 part2 and copy them to make sentences.

2. 完成运用任务1:show some pictures.

make some students find different in them and describe in english.

3. 完成运用任务2 describe past and present life

4. 完成运用任务3

五. summary and homework.(总结与家庭作业)

1. summary(总结)

t: today we h**e learnt “how to describe past and present life, review ****** past tense and present tense.”

2. today’s homework(家庭作业)

a. listen and read unit1 three times, try to recite and act.

b. compare two photos and write differences.

板书设计:module 1 changing

unit 1 we lived in a small house.

weren’tlived small



1( )there weren’t __buses ..a. some b. any c. one

2we lived __a small house. a at b in con

3 ( yesterday i watched tv __my grandchildren. a and b with c to

4thank you for___me. a help b helping c helped

5she __tv every day. a watching b watched c watches.

6it’s a programme __monkeys. a about b for c in

7she __h**e a bike last year. a doesn’t b didn’t c don’t

8my mother worked __the fields. a in b on c at

9do you go to school every day?

i go to school by bus.

a how b what c when

10( )there __three books on the desk one hour ago.

a was b were c are

教后记:unit 2 she didn’t h**e a television.

学习任务。she didn’t h**e a television.

she worked in the fields.





教学程序。一.warming up.(热身复习)

1. greetings.

2. act out last text.

3. free talk: compare ‘old china and new china.’

二.lead in(课文导入)

yesterday, lingling saw the programme about china, she missed her grandmother very much. so she writes a letter for

daming, tells about that programme and her feeling.

三.new teaching. (课文教学)

1. show some questions.

a. what programme did lingling watch last night?

b. what was the old lady’s life like many years ago?

c. who does lingling miss?

2. listen to the tape-recorder and find answers.

3. learn new words.

a. show some object and cards.

b. correct pronunciation.

c. practise new words in different kinds of method.

4. listen to the tape-recorder and act out it.

四 .practise(练习)

1. play a game.

put nine cards on the desk. two students use cards to make dialogue.

for example:

a: where was he/she seven days ago?

b: he/she was …

a: what did he/she do there?

b: he/she …








introduce the great changes of our hometown/school/home.


1 she was a teacher.(变一般疑问句)

a teacher?

2 they will fly kites. (变否定句)

they___fly kites.

3 they should cook vegetables. (变否定句)

theycook vegetables

4 he visited the british museum yesterday.(变为一般将来时态)

5 there were many buses. (变为一般现在时态)

教后记:module 2 grandparents

unit 1 she learnt english.

学习任务。she learnt english.

did she learn any foreign languages.

he is learning english now.




module 1 unit 1 we lived in a small house.学习任务 there weren t many buses.we lived in a small house.there are lots of buses and cars.we live in a big ho...


module 1 changing unit 1 we lived in a small house.刘升华。学习任务。there weren t any buses.we lived in a small house.there are lots of buses and cars.we live...


revision 1教学设计。一 教学内容。二 教学目标。能听懂,读懂a phone call life in the arctic这两个话题的相关内容 能运用相关句型交流有关手机功能,北极动物的简单信息 能读懂有关北极生活的对话并能运用相关句型交流信息 三 教学重点。使学生学会认读表示打 用语,描...