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人教版小学英语五年级下册unit 3第六课时导学案。

教学内容:b let’s check c story time p31

教师寄语: time and tide wait for no man.(岁月不待人)

学习目标:1.通过本课学习,能加强对本单元知识点的掌握。2.语法知识:in on at的用法。3.能听懂story time的故事内容。

重难点:1.熟练掌握in on at的用法。2.试着自己总结本单元的知识点。


1. is ..

2.find out the answers.

3.t and ss talk about the meaning of these sentences.4.全班齐读两遍。

二、合作**,快乐研学(一)let’s check p30

二)let’s wrap it up.同学们先完成书上的练习然后总结in, on, at的用法。

三)story time.

1.s guess what happened in the story.2.read after the tape twice.

3.talk about the main meaning of the story.

三、释疑解难,互动点拨1. review the words:

january, february, march, april,may,june,july, august,september, october, november, december

2. review the sentences:

t: when is school tripe?s:

it’sin….t: what day is it today?

s: it’s play“main scene”p22—p23(时间允许时进行。)




a. easter is in when is mother’s day?c.

summer vacation is in my birthday is in do you likeschool trip?


2. birthday,in ,is,my,may(.)

3. we,go,to,will,great wall,the(.)

4 .is,the,school,trip,when,year,this(?)


板书内容设计:unit 3 my school calendar

a: when is school tripe?b: it’sinonat

we will h**e an english party __get up __7 o’clock every do you h**e __tuesdays?in…


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