人教版 PEP 小学英语五年级下册教案

发布 2020-11-01 04:10:28 阅读 4876

1. share your book with your partner.

同学们把已经设计好的书拿回校,并用语言点跟同学们分享:a: look, the little panda is sleeping. b: how cute!

step: 3 presentation and controlled practice

1 .参观动物园。

在电脑上出现一个动物园,上面有一大片森林。森林里有许多动物,但只露出身体的一部分:大象露出鼻子,老虎露出尾巴,鸭子露出嘴巴。 教师引导学生谈论:

t: the nature park is so beautiful. what do you see?

s1: i see an elephant.

t (问全班同学): can you see the elephant,too?

ss: yes.

t: what is it doing? guess

t: it’s running. 点按纽,电脑上出现一只正在跑的大象。

把句子板书在黑板上:what is it doing? it’s running.)

t: what else can you see?

s3: i can see a duck.

t: can you see the duck?

ss: yes.

t: guess.引导学生问:what is it doing?

t: it’s flying. 点按纽,电脑上出现一只飞一点点高就掉下的鸭子。

t: what else can you see?

s2: i can see a monkey.

t: can you see the monkey?

ss: yes.

t: guess. 引导学生问:what is it doing?

t: it’s walking. 点按纽,电脑上出现一只正在走的猴子。

2. 引出let’s talk的重点句型。

多**上出现mother duck和baby duck, 教师通过提问:what is the mother duck doing? 引出let’s talk的重点句型。

把句子板书在黑板上:what is she doing? she’s cooking.)


3. 教师引导学生唱歌谣,练说主句型,让学生尽快上口。

多**上出现一只mother duck. 教师引导学生唱:

look! look! look!

i can see a mother duck!

what is she doing?

she’s cooking.

多**上出现一只mother kangaroo与baby kangaroo. 教师让学生模仿歌谣自己唱一唱,再分小组唱歌谣。

设计意图:教师给出两对母子动物的图,让学生清楚地区分what’s she doing? 和what is it doing?


r)step: 4 practice

1. t: the second task for you is to guess, what is the animal doing?

team 1, mike. team 2, amy. back to back, please.

让a选一张动物卡片) what do you like? ok. you’re a monkey.

老师给a一张上面写着running的单词卡,并做出动作。) a, look at the word and do the action.

the whole class please ask b: “look at the ….what is it doing?” b, you can guess.



is from the usa. chen jie is her guide. now they are in the nature park.

what do they see? let’s watch the video.

a. ss watch the video and answer the questions:

what is the mother elephant doing?

what is the baby elephant doing?

b. one student acts as chen jie, the other one acts as amy. act out the dialogue.

设计意图:学生看、听、模仿跟读let’s talk之后,教师提供新的**,让学生两人一组模仿改编对话,检查学生掌握语言的情况。体现了学生从感知语言、学说语言到掌握语言这一由易到难,循序渐进的教学过程。


step 5 production

1. 谈论**:教师提供多幅动物园的**,让学生同位谈论。

a: what do you see?

b: i see an elephant?

a: what is it doing?

b: it’s swimming.

a: what do you see?

b:i see an elephant, too.

a: what is it doing?

b: it’s swimming.

a& b: oh, our photos are the same.




and ask

学生完成p60 write and ask的**并同位进行问答的练习。

3. 做同步精练a let’s talk的相关练习。

step: 6 homework:



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