
发布 2020-10-19 17:08:28 阅读 9153




听力部分。一、listen and choose(听音,根据你所听到的内容,选择相符合的一项,并将其字母编号写在题前的括号里。)(10分)

) 1. a. national day b. teachers’ day c. children’s day

) 2. a. 8:15 b. 8:50c. 8:30

) 3. a. windy b. winter c. summer

) 4. a. skate b. skirtc. shirt

) 5. a. june 12th b. june 5th c. july 5th

) 6. a. when b. which c. what

) 7. a. eatb. teac. cat

) 8. a. plant trees b. plant flowers c. plant grass

) 9. a. my birthday is in dec. b. my birthday is in nov.

c. my birthday is in oct.

) in the evening b. in the morning c. in the afternoon

二、listen and judge (根据你听到的内容,判断**或句子是否相符,相符的打“√”不相符的打“×”10分)

) 7. may 3rd is my birthday.

) 8. mike likes winter best.

) 9. it is june 1st today.

) 10. amy can play computer on the weekend.

三. listen and chose the best answer. (听录音,选择最正确的答语。)(10分)

) go to bed at 9:00. b. it’s 9:00. c. it’s in the morning.

) summer. b. i like summer. c. it’s in summer.

)3. sept. 1st. b. it’s sept. 10th. c. it’s in sept. 10th.

)4. it is. b. no, it isc. yes, she is.

) i’d like to swim. b. i often make a snowman.

c. i often swim.

四.listen and judge(听短文,判断句子的对错, 对的打“√”错的打“×”10分)

) 1. i get up at 6:20 in the morning.

) 2. i go to school at 6:50.

) 3. we h**e chinese at 8:35.

) 4. i do my homework at 10:15.

) 5. there are 6 classes every day.

五、listen and choose(听录音,根据规律选单词,每空一词。)(10分。)

1. say that wea. may b. way ) play today.

2. a bear wears a t-shirt is eating aa. dear b. pear).

3. i am glad to see the green __a. glass b. grass) in the glass.

4. cheapa. ships b. chips) sell in the cheap shop .

5. wait for the rain anda. pay a rainbow.

6. it isa. great b. glad ) to see the grapes grow.

7. spell the word “skate” in a lowa. speed

8. b. dear) with my ear that a deer is near.

9. he is checking the chair in the __b. sheep) shop.

10. i like to sleep anda. splash b. speak) in spring .

笔试部分。六.read and fill. (根据上下文填入所缺的单词,使对话完整,每空一词。) 10分)

1do you fly kites? i often fly kites __

2do you do on monday?

i h**e english

3.what’s theapril 5th.

4do you like best? i like spring best.

amy’s birthday in oct.?

yes, itbirthday is oct. 9th.

七、read and choose(阅读对话,根据上下文,选择正确的句子,把字母编号填在相应的横线上。)(10分)

a. what do you do on saturday? b. what can you do ?

c. what about youd. what day is it today?

e. what’s the date today? f. is today women’s day?

g.. is today children’s day?

amy : hello, zhang peng

zhang peng: it’s saturday.

amyzhang peng: it’s march 8th.

amyzhang peng: yes, today is women’s day.

amyzhang peng: i usually play sports on saturday

amy : i usually climb mountains.

八、ask and answer(根据**,用完整句子回答问题。)(10分)

1. which season do you like best?

2. do you plant trees in the afternoon?

3. what do you do on the weekend?

4. why do you like fall?

5. is today teachers’ day?

九。read and choose.(阅读短文,选择恰当的答案。)(10分。)

there are four people in my family. my father’s birthday is july 7th. my father likes to go hiking on his birthday.

my mother’s birthday is mar. 5th. she likes to climb mountains on her birthday.

my sister’s birthday is september 1st. she likes to swim on her birthday. today is october 1st .

it’s national day. it’s my birthday,too. i get up very early in the morning.

then i h**e a big breakfast with my family. i go shopping with my mother in the afternoon. in the evening, we h**e a birthday party.

we eat a lot. i am very happy.


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