
发布 2023-04-16 23:18:28 阅读 8513

一, 根据句意及汉语提示完成单词。

1, could you tell me where the厕所) is?

i think beijing is fi want to go there some day.

2, i received a明信片) from my pen pal.

it’s cto take the subway in shanghai.

3, his mother likes葡萄).

do you know your chinese teacher’s ai want to visit her.

4, please邮寄) the letter to mary. i h**e seven cthis year. i feel very tired.

5, shanghai is in the东) of china.

we ryou to work hard and get good grades.


6, i think you can search for someinformation) on the internet.

7, i like reading somenews*****) every day.

8, the new car istom).

9, when do younormal) get home from work?

10, theysuggestion) waiting until the proper time.

11, the city isfascinating/fascinated). i want to go there again.

12, taking the bus in hangzhou isconvenience/convenient).

13, it’spolite/politely) to say goodbye to someone when you le**e.

14, i think the answer iscorrect/ correctly).

15, mary is a japanesespeak/speaker).

16, i think shemaybe/may be) 15 years old.

17, i like yourdirect/direction) way of speaking/


18he will visit the museum tomorrow. but i am not sure.

19, lily sitsjimtom.

20, i want to buy somethings.

21, when did youschool?

22, the shop isat 8:00.

23, -can you help me

24, heto be unhappy.

25, whatto you last night?

26, i h**e a nice bike. shehas one.

27, which is the mostway to beijing?

28, his mother likes apples. and shebuys them when she goes to the supermarket.

29, i found a wallet at the street


30, 这双鞋非常便宜very cheap.

31, 你能告诉我银行在**吗?could youmethe bank

32, 在我回家的路上,我发现一个迷路的小孩。

i found a lost child.

33, 我会踢足球,但不会弹钢琴。

i canbut i can’t

34, 老师让我下课后不要打乒乓球。

the teacher asks meplay ping-pong after class.


35, could you tell me how to get to the supermarket?(同义句)

could you tell methe supermarket?

36, she spent 5 dollars on the book. (改为同义句)

she spent 5 dollarsthe book.

37, i would like action movies. (就画线部分提问)

would you like?

38, could you tell me where the cinema is?(改为同义句)

could you tell meto the cinema?

39, gina seems to be happy. (同上gina is happy.

40, he said, “he will make a big cake. ”改为宾语从句)

he said

41, i want to know. how can i use the computer? (合并成宾语从句)

i want to know

42, could you tell me how i can go to the bank? (变成简单句)

could you tell me

43, he told me. when will he le**e the city? (合并成宾语从句)

he told me

44, do you know? whom will you go with? (同上)

do you know


dear sir or madam,i am tom. …



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