
发布 2023-04-16 23:17:28 阅读 2042

step 1 重点词汇短语。


step 2 巩固练习。




)3、a、mondayb、saturday c、thursdayd、tuesday


)5、a、swimb、skatec、make a snowman d、sleep

)6、a、sometimes b、usually c、oftend、always


( )8、a、doingb、writing c、washingd、talking


)10、a 、what do you do on the weekend?

b 、which season do you like best?

c 、when is your birthday? w w w .x k b o m

d、what are you doing?


)1、a. my birthdayb. july 9thc. tuesday

)2、a. at often go hiking. watch tv.

)3、a. i’m listening to music. b. she’s writing a letter.

c. he is reading a news*****.

)4、a. because it’s coldb. because i can swim

c. because i can fly kites.

)5、a. it’s octoberb. it’s in octoberc. it’s sunny.









1. will he工作) in shanghai?

2. do you want to be a厨师)?

3. she will有) a child.

4. i will不会) late for school.

5. he不能) swim in the river.


)1. summer a、hotb、skatec、cool

)2. season a、sunnyb、windyc、fall

)3. sports a、swimb、go shoppingc、visit grandparents

)4. date a、 appleb 、may 31stc 、birthday

) a 、teacher’s day b 、women’s dayc、 children’s day

六、单选。 ) 1. when is your birthday

in may 1stb. it’s may 1st .

) 2it’s july 15th .

the date today? b. what day is it today? c. what time is it?

) 3. do you do on the weekend? 新课标第一网。

a. whenb. whatc. how

) usually h**e chinese class __the morning and eat lunch __noon.

a. at ; inc. in; at

) 5. you don’t like don’t like summer

a. to ) her birthday june 9th

it isb. yes,she it.

) 7. when isbirthday? in may.

bill’sb. uncle bill’ bill

)8. when is children’s day

a. it’s june june july 1st .

)9、man: hello.

mike: hello.__mike. can i speak to john, please?

a、my name isb、this isc、i’m

)10do we go to the children’s center? -9:30

a. whatb. wherec. what time


1. 我将会在城市里有一座大房子。

2. 他将来不会住在伦敦。

3. 你将会做什么呢?

4. 他下周一将从英国飞往中国。

5. 你将会和祖父母住在一起吗?


1. the some on words are back there.

2. get not like he does early to up.

3. playing any not games i in will like more.

4. are two books one there and pen a .

5. he a job will h**e good ?


watering, is, washing, lunch, october 1st, isn’t, homework, e-mail, playing , what

today isour national day. my family is busy now. look, i’mthe clothes.

my sister lily isthe flowers. mom is cookingbrother is doingin the study. dad writing anto uncle liis younger sister lucy doing?

shedoing any homework. she is computer games.


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