
发布 2023-04-18 21:50:28 阅读 3354



was born出生 started to speak开始说话 learned to walk学习走路 learned to ride a bike学骑自行车 went to kindergarten 上幼儿园 learned to swim学习游泳 stared to buy things开始买东西 started to study english开始英语 started to use a computer开始用电脑 chopsticks筷子 wet湿的 taste尝起来 all over到处 out of 离开 hurt伤害 one of ..之一 growing-up stories成长故事 talk about 谈论 at six months old 在六个月的时候 climbed out of 爬出去 eat with chopsticks用筷子吃饭 all over the face 满脸 in the bath 在浴室(缸)

句子。us one of your growing-up stories. 告诉我们一个你的成长故事。

did you start to use a computer? when i was four.你什么时候开始用电脑?四岁的时候。

did you learn to do when you were five? 你五岁的时候在学什么?

too. 我也一样。

learned to speak at six months old. 我六个月的时候学者说话。

got food all over my face. 我吃得满脸是食物。

they tasted very bad. 但是它们很难吃。

was sitting on seven eggs. 她正坐在七个蛋上。

by one, six little ducklings came out of the eggs. 六只小鸭子一个接一个破壳而出了。

little ducklings all grew bigger, and the ugly duckling was the biggest. 小鸭子长得越来越大了,丑小鸭是最大的那一个。

went to the tall grass by the lake to live by himself. 他去了湖边高高的草丛里独自居住。

ugly duckling looked at himself in the water. 丑小鸭看着水中的自己。

句型。i learned to swim when i was six years old. 当我。大的时候我。

did you learn to swim when you were six years old?

what did you do when you were six years old?

when did you learn to swim?


五年级新起点下册期中复习测试 三 一 英汉互译1.保持健康2.许多大量3.患了感冒4.吃药5.有充足的睡眠6.喝牛奶7.吃太多汉堡包8.喝太多汽水9.去看医生10.刷牙11.le e garbageeverywhere12.stay up late13.feel tired14.wash hands...


精品资料欢迎 五年级新起点下册期中复习测试 三 一 英汉互译1.保持健康2.许多大量3.患了感冒4.吃药5.有充足的睡眠6.喝牛奶7.吃太多汉堡包8.喝太多汽水9.去看医生10.刷牙11.le e garbageeverywhere12.stay up late13.feel tired14.was...


unit 1 他的。她的。他 她,它 们的。孪生子,双胞胎。金黄色的。卷曲的。苗条的。直的。雀斑。健谈的,多嘴的。诚实的。聪明的。粗心的。受欢迎的。刻苦的。害羞的。懒惰的。文静的。乐于助人的。友善的。有趣的,滑稽可笑的。unit 2 比,比较。短的,矮的。年长的,旧的。长的。小的。和 的比较级 更好...