
发布 2023-03-18 20:38:28 阅读 3182

五年级上册unit 5 my new room---part a read and write

一、教材简析:本课时是pep英语五年级下册第五单元的一个语篇教学,通过there be…句型描述各个房间以及房间内的家具陈设,例如:there are twobedrooms, a kitchen, a bathroom and a living room.

there is a mirror, abed and a big closet. there are green curtains and two end tables.在实际运用该句型的同时巩固复习本单元第一课时的单词mirror, curtain, endtable等。



1)、能听、说、读、写词汇和句子:therearetwobedrooms,akitchen,abathroom and a living room .there is a mirror ,a bed and a big closet.

(2)、能听、说、认读partareadandwrite的内容,并理解babyrabbit,flat, the third floor。

3)、能用there be的句型简单描述房间物品的名称、特征。2、情感与态度目标:




极参与。掌握there be句型的简单表达法,掌握四会句子的正确书写。难点:正确区分使用there is和there are的表达法。五、教法与学法。





t: goodmorning, boys and goodmorning, teacher.

t: hello, i’m very happy to be your english teacher today. i devide youinto two groups.

group 1 and group 2. look, there are two rooms for your come on.(出示课件)


t: now, let me introduce myself. i’m miss pu.

i like purple. i likeice-cream. can you guess what’s my f**ourite animal?

liten. it has twolong ears and a short tail. it can jump.

it likes carrots. what is it?ss:


t:yes,you’ is flat? look, this is a flat.(出示课件)teach the word: flat

t: oh, the rabbits h**e a new flat. but which floor do they live?

look carefully.(出示课件)teach the word: third

t: look, the rabbit is very happy. she is going to introduce her


disscus. then fill in the blanks. (出示课件,学生在老师给的学习卡里写答案,检查答案给小组加分。

t: we are in the rabbits’flat. look, who’s that.

oh,it’s a baby rabbit. she is very happy. she has a new room now.

what isit like? do you want to know? let’s read.

read it by yourselves. thenfinish my task. (出示课件,要求学生用there is和there are的句型描述兔宝宝的房间,老师将课件里兔宝宝房间里的家具加入。

)t: good job. look, this is the baby rabbit’s room. what do you think ofthid room?

ss: it’s very nice.


t: now, open your books turn to page 60. let’s liten to tape and readafter it.



t: we know baby rabbit has a new room. it is nice.

oh, xiaoxue has a newroom, let’s choose xiaoxue’s room.(出示课件,听录音选择,检查答案,给小组加分)


t: good job. let’s see your are they like? look, this is

group1’s room, this is group2’s room. (宣布比赛结果,然后让学生用本课时所学内容写一篇短文描述刚刚比赛后各组的房间,写在学习卡里,学习卡里是补充短文。请几位同学读出自己的短文。


t:good job. now, let’s share. there are many nice rooms. let’s h**ea look.(出示课件)

t: do you think they are very nice?ss: yes.

t: ok. i think you can decorate your rooms like these in the future.


unit 5 my new room---part a read and write

there is…there are…

words: bed, sofa, tv, table, mirror, closet,end table, curtains.




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