
发布 2023-03-09 21:06:28 阅读 5749


1. let’s see the pandas first. 我们先去看熊猫吧!

自主领悟】let’s=let us do sth. 意为“让我们做某事”表示提出建议, 其否定形式为let’s not do sth. 意为“让我们不做某事”。例如:

let’s meet again next week! 让我们下周再见面吧!





let’s anyone.

2. because she’s kind of boring.


自主领悟】kind of作程度副词; “有点儿; 稍微”, 用来修饰形容词, 相当于a little和a bit。例如:

the dog is kind of/a little/a bit cute.





i’m feeling tired.


our teacher is us.

. 用所给词的适当形式填空。

1. we want (see)pandas in the zoo. they are very cute.

2. the man is an (australia).

3. his sister is very (beauty).

4. we should regard(把……当作) (animal)as our friends.

5. tom (come)from the uk.

. 单项选择。

1. there is elephant in the zoo. elephant is from india.

a. a; the b. an; the c. /an d. a; an

2. —do you like koalas? —because they are cute.

a. why b. where c. howd. when

3. the people there are friendly to me.

a. very muchb. kind ofc. kinds ofd. little

4. —where lions from? —they from africa.

a. do; areb. are; arec. do; comed. are; comes

why don’t you like tigers?


自主领悟】(1)why don’t you. .此处提出疑问, 另外, 它还与why not. .为同义句型, 常见于说话人向对方提出一个建议, 意思是“何不……?

2)why don’t you. .与why not.


why don’t you buy a new bag? =why not buy a new bag? 为什么你不买一个新书包?


why don’t you use your dictionary? (改为同义句)

your dictionary?


go out for a walk?

. 用所给词的适当形式填空。

1. koalas look kind of (interest)and cute.

2. there are many (animal)in the zoo.

3. i don’t like the tigers. because they are (real) scary.

4. —where (be)the monkey from?

sorry, i don’t know.

5. my sister always wants (shop)with my mother on sundays.

. 句型转换。

1. i like dolphins. (改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答)

you dolphins?

yes, i .

2. what about going to see the elephants first? (改为同义句)

why to see the elephants first?

3. do, want, see, to, you, why, the, pandas(连词成句)


1.—would you like to go to the movies with me?—that sounds

2.—is hea movie on tv?—no,he’san e mail.

has sportsthe has sportswednesday and friday afternoons.

a./;am playingpiano right now while he is playingbasketball.

is isthe football team.

6.—is d**id playing computer games

is does doesn’t

photos of my family.

go shopping you go with me?



is studyinga test.


七年级下unit5 复习学案。复习目标 1.通过朗读,能识记并熟练运用下列单词和短语 panda,tiger,elephant,lion,giraffe,animal,cute,lazy,smart,beautiful,kindt,australia,south,africa,sleep,frien...

七年级英语下册 unit5单词

七年级 下 unit5 单词过关姓名。1.出生。2.同一的。3.令人吃惊的。4.用于比较 倍。5.以前。6.地球。7.骨头。8.后部 9.脂肪。10.通常的adj adv zxxk.11.事实。12.和 一样。13.突然。14.低语 耳语。15.没有人。16.任何人。17.灌木丛。pl18.答复。过...


2.师生互动,复习上节课内容。t what day is it today?ss it is t what class are we h ing?ss we re h ing an english class.提问全班男生。t what time does the class begin?boys ...