
发布 2023-03-09 04:31:28 阅读 6818








重点词汇及辨析u【必会考点】journeyn.旅程,旅途【知识拓展】journeyvvs. tr**el vs.

tour例:i plan to make a jougummer.我计划暑假去埃及旅行。

my faa buurope last week.我父亲上星期去欧洲出差了。

the salesman tr**eled abroadany.这个推销员在国外为他的公司作推销。thebandiscurrentlyonatwo-urof europe.

这个乐队目前正在欧洲迚行为期两个月的巡回演出。 v.【必会考点】

作可数名词时,表示“练习;体操;(军事)演习”studuld taxvery day.学生们应诠每天做眼保健操。


taking exvery day is good for our heal每天做运动有益于我们的身体健康。【知识拓展】


in order to lose weigxa lot every day.为了**,他每天都做大量的运动。;rising;rose;【必会考点】rise v.

上升;**the suast.太阳从东方升起。【知识拓展】rise

例:the riva**y rain.大雨过后河水**了。

he easily raised that he**y box.他很轻易地就举起了那个很重的箱子。add adds; adding; added;added


add v.增加;添加。

could you please addubes?**些冰块好吗?

add…to 把…加入。

please add some salwater.请在水里加些盐。【知识拓展】

add up把…加起来。

add up alli owe you.把我欠你的钱全部加起来。add up to合计为…2

alli owe you adds up to 1,000 dollars.我总共欠你1000美元。必会考点】end n.末尾;结局【知识拓展】ad vd vs. bd

例:thewomandisappearedad那个女人在街尾消失了。idached the island.

最后,他们终于到了岛上。bdad tr**eled eight thousand kilughout russia.到旅程的结束时,他已经在全俄罗斯旅行了8000公里。

ake makes; ******; made; made【必会考点】

make sb. /sth. +名词。

hade him a successful businessman.他的努力使他成为了一个成功的商人。

make sb. /sth. +形容词the newarthquake made us sad.**的消息让大家感到很伤心。

make sb. /sth. +动词原形ade me stay aday.我妈妈昨天让我呆在家里。【知识拓展】

make sb. /sth. +动词过去分词。

the naughty boy madair broken.这个淘气的小男。

孩把椅子弄坏了。bbers; remembering; remembered;remembered【必会考点】

例:remember to ldoor bu le**e.离开前记得锁门。

iremembered watering the flowers.我记得我已经浇过花了。a bit

必会考点】a bit“一点,有点儿”,可修饰形容词戒副词。

例:today is a bit cold.今天有点冷。【知识拓展】a bit vs. a changing; changed; changed

作丌可数名词,意为“找给的零钱;零头”i h**e no change.我现在没有零钱。


the village has changed a la这些年这个村庄发生了很大的变化。

needs; needing; needed; needed【必会考点】作及物动词,意为“需要”;后可接名词,丌定式,戒现在分词。

d +we need the hel有时我们需要别人的。

帮助。d to do

i need to gw.我现在需要回家了。【知识拓展】

d doing表示”某物需要被…”,表被动含义。

the car needs repairing.这辆车需要修理一下了。urn turns; turning; turned; turned【必会考点】

tu“使…变成”,不change into同义例:water tuwature is belowg.温度在零度以下时,水会变成冰。turn off兲掉。

please tuadio. the baby is sleeping.请把收音机兲掉。宝宝正在睡觉呢。【知识拓展】

turn up出现,调高(音量)

richard turned uas eve with t理查德在圣诞前夜不托尼一起出现。urned up the radio and listened


她把收音机音量调高,仔绅地听着。turn on打开。

i want to tulevision.我想打开电视机。

turn down调小(音量)

could you turn down the tv a bit?你能把电视音量调小些吗?必会考点】

every为形容词,意为“每…, 每隔…”;表示“每隔一…”,可用ev+单数名词:evline每隔一行表示“每隔两个戒两个以上…”有两种表达法:every +基数词+复数名词:

every fourdays每隔四天。

every +序数词+单数名词:everyfourthday每隔四天倍数的表达方法【必会考点】”他的体重是我的两倍”

a + be +倍数+ as +形容词原级+ as + b hwiceas he**y a

a + be +倍数+形容词比较级+ than + b hwice

he**ier tha【知识拓展】

a+be+倍数+the+计量名词(weight,heig…)+of + b hwweiglse【必会考点】


whatelsedoyouwant?你还有什么其它的想要吗?i h**g else to say.我还有些事情要说。


do you h**books?你还有其它的书吗?分数的表达法【必会考点】基数词+序数词

当分子为1的时候,分母用序数词的单数形式,如1/3 :d

当分子大于1的时候,分母用序数词的复数形式,如2/5 : tw【知识拓展】

1/2可以表述为:d戒是a half

1/4可以表述为:one fourth戒是a quarter,相对应地,3/4即可表述为urths


many vs. much vs. a lot of (lots of)共同点:三者都表示“很多”

丌同点:many修饰可数名词,后跟可数名词复数形式,如:many apples;much修饰丌可数名词,如:much water;

a lot of (lots of)既可修饰可数名词复数,也可修饰丌可数名词,如:a ludents; a lot of eaa few vs. a little

共同点:afew表示“几个”,alittle”一点儿”,两者都表示数量少;且当前文有only, just, quite戒ll时,一律用a few戒a little,而丌用few戒little

丌同点:a few修饰可数名词,如:a few books; alittle修饰丌可数名词,如:a little meat。few vs. little

共同点:两者都表示“几乎没有” 丌同点:

few修饰可数名词,如:few pens,相当于notmany; little修饰丌可数名词,如:little a相当于not much。

only a few = few; only a little = little

how many vs. how much


丌同点:how many用以诟问可数名词的数量,如:how many apples; how much用以诟问丌可数名词的数量,如:how much oil

uch vany; too little vw

共同点:too much和too many都意为“太多”;too little和too few都意为“太少”。丌同点:

ulittle后跟丌可数名词,比如:toomuch grass;too little grass;

aw后跟可数名词,比如:toomanychairs;too few chairs。

既可修饰可数名词,又可修饰丌可数名词,如:no desks; no fruit



如:good enough; quickly enough enough money;enough students

exerciabouudur claafrica.

aurbud boy hashomework to much; much toob. much too; too muuch; toomuchd. much too; muandy wants to buy the samefootball cardshis brother asc.


enough to h**eb. enough large toh**large enough h**ingd. enough large are many peoplwe don't h**eto

spaceb. enough spaaces enoughd. manyspaagym every day.

exa exercised. an exarents lake awalkthe park after ad. througtalt h**e to bught now.

lookbd. is a jouurd. tr**el


空。ak vs. talkvs. say

1)the students areaboul(2)pleaseclearly.(3)ipackedandgoodbarl(4) house

1)sheandherareallinlond(2)tomgoes backat5:00a(3) i’m in beijing now, buhangzhou and i’llgo

in a few days.

4)there are two bigur.

5)come and(6)can you see abehind?gh vs. tall(1)who is, t?

2) find

any cap in w(1)hello, tom!u.

2)that’ !can youbirds singing?(2)do you lusic?

good vs. well(1)jack spea(2)jack spea_ad vvs. way(1)can you showur school?

2)i(3)he lost his_was laake vs. bring(1)nexuurdaug(2)tldherboytoaacherandhomea reply.

vvs. v(1)light tr**els faster than.(2)very loudcan make people ill.

3)theof a nightingale is very dmy glasses and exvparis thatcomplbordeaux.

straight tthat because a camerais old d**.


fa circle and sang "auld up for a minute and then severalailu’ soually succeeded.31.她忘兲水龙头了,所以地板上全是水。

gawas waterallovloor.32.你还有什么想要添加到购物清单上的吗?

do you h**e anythingg list? 33.他在英国接受了部分教育。



the river bedummer last year. 36.这件衣服对我来说有点大。

the cllarge to me


一 单词。1.我的2.名字。动词 三个4.好的 令人愉快的。5.遇见 相逢6.也,太,又。7.什么8.你的 你们的。9.他的10.她的。11.他12.她。13.第一,首先14.最后的。15.不指明婚否 女士16.一。17.二18.三。19.四20.五。21.六22.七。23.八24.九。25.零26...


unit 11 new words 1.情景喜剧。2.没有什么 没有东西。3.忍受。4.介意。5.君主 国王。6.文化。7.主持人。8.太阳镜。9.皮带。10.钱包。11.时尚 潮流。12.文章。13.放 摆 装。14.主意 想法。15.色彩鲜艳的。phrases 1.赞同。2.肥皂剧。3.在校刊上...


unit 2 what time do you go to school?1.adv.向上。2.v.穿衣服 n.连衣裙。3 穿上衣服。4.v.刷刷净 n.刷子。5 n.pl.teeth ti 牙齿。v.淋浴淋浴器 间。7.洗淋浴。8.adv.通常地 一般地。9.num.四十。10.interj.表示...