
发布 2023-03-09 04:34:28 阅读 2196

unit 8 from hobby to ca七年级下精华总结。


单词 1. 事业卫星(朝某个方向)射;冲;飞驰知识持续任何人驾驶帆船航行训练;接受训练。

2. 行星钻石主持生动的。

10. 事实上



2. 曾经看起来像长大取得迚步。



重点词汇及辨析used to do

【必会考点】used to do过去常常做某事

例:she used to take exg wwauniv当她还在上大学的时候,她常常早上做运动。


be used to doing / get used to doing 习惯after six years’ life in guangzhou, i am used to living经过六年在广州的生活后,我已经习惯了住在这个城市。

be used to do / be used for doing

the dictionary is used to look up new words.


【必会考点】lively adj. 生动的, 活泼的;生气勃勃的

例:it turned out to be a vg meeting with a lively deba结果成了一次充满激烈辩论、非常有意思的会议。

【知识拓展】 vs. alive vs. live

例:she is a lively girlalways to be lively.

她是一个活泼的女孩,所以她似乎总是很活泼。 she taught uwall living things. 她教导我们要尊重所有的生物。

he was buried alivarthqua他在**中被活埋了。d more alive and looked forward to getting ug.


tarrying on an exa live mou这个科学家正在一只活老鼠身上迚行实验。 murray was a guest on a live radio show. 默里曾是一个无线电直播节目的嘉宾。

be proud【必会考点】be proud of以…而自豪,相当于 take pride in, 后可接名词,动名词。 例: i felt proud/ i take prid我为他的努力感到自豪。

【知识拓展】be proud 后还可接 that 从句

they are proud thadoing well at school.


grows; growing; grew; grown


作及物动词,表“种植;使生长;蓄,留”;grandma grew some vegetablard.



the vegetable grows very well.


grow 还可作系动词,后跟形容词,表“长得…”air is growing longer and long我的头发长得越来越长了。be sure


be sure + 从句,主语必须为人,表示“肯定;有把握”

i am sure he will come. 我肯定他会来。


be sure + 动词不定式,用于祈使句,表示说话人的要求,意为“务必,千万…”

be suw务必要及时完成这项工作。

be sure + 动词不定式,还可表示“一定;肯定”;表示说话人的一种推测,主语可以是人戒物

he is sure to win the game. 他一定会赢得这场比赛的。

be sure of 表示“相信”戒“对…有把握”,后接名词、代词戒动词的-ing 形式

wgoals, you can bure of su有了目标,你可能很确定成功的到来。ay bevs. maybe


例:maybe we can **g.

也许我们可以去看电影什么的。wn adj. 已知的;知名的;


be known as 作为…而出名

beethovwn as a grea贝多芬作为一个伟大的作曲家而出名。

be known for 由于…而出名 hwurage.


重点语法。used to do

定义:used to do 表示“过去常常做某事”戒“过去常处于某种状态”。

用法:used to do 没有人称和数的变化。只有过去式这一种形式。

形式:肯定式:used to

否定式:used戒 didn’t use to 疑问句:did…use to…?戒 used…to…

例句: 他以前每天上午都去商店买东西。

肯定句:he used to gg evg. 否定句:he usedgg evg.

he didn’t use to gg evg. 疑问句:did he use to gg evg?

usedhe to gg evg?

note: 要注意与 be / get used to doing 和 be used to do 区分开

be/get used to doing 表示“习惯做某事”used to getting up earlg.


be used to do 表示 “…被用来 …”

tused to w这支笔是用来写字的。

when 引导的时间状语从句。

定义:when 表示“当…时候”,引导时间状语从句,从句和主句的动作可以是同时发生,也可以是


例:when he wawal, a car accident happened.


wdwwent to bed immediately.


note: when 常用于一般现在时和一般过去时,也可用于迚行时。当从句的谓语动词为延续性动词

时,可用 when 戒 while 引导从句;但当从句的谓语动词为瞬间性动词时,只能用 when 引导。

例:when / while we were sleepingg suddenly rang.


when i cauwag.


校本教材配套练习】when you called her at 5 o’claag b. wagd. cooked

2.--mr. leea student when i entered the clag.

---he is very paung.

butb. talks; thougwas talking; thoughd. talked; howevur math teaur school for 20 years andwwas 23 years old.

taught; has comeb. taught;aught; camed. has taught; came 4.--excuse me, what’?

--it’s a cleaner andup dirt.

a. usesb. is usedc.

is usingd. usedli na has wafrance tall the asiaallengingand excellent proud ofb. take caget along with

a lot but i don’t play vw.

a. use to plab. was used to plaam used to plad.

used to plawhile tr**elling to canada, you should give yourself a daand know the way nearby.

tob. be used toc. ulle in ould and the disabled. they usuallabulad.

a. care forb. take carec. agree withd. take pride in 9.--can you telltom?

---last year.

a. when you gotb. when did you gwhen will you getd.

when you will get 10. -do you knowtomorrow?

---at 8 o’cla. when didb. wawhen willd.

wwillhego out warents, but now hestaying at home to; is used tob. is used to; useduse to; is used2linan unknown basketball player in newquite a

to beb. used to beingused to bed. was used to b2-anghai towd, it will bd tallest buildingworld.

unless will ring me up wbeijing.

a. arriveb. arrivesc.

arrivedd. will arrivday evening i was playing the pianothe doorbell rang.

a. whenb. bwhiled.

awawever, police ambushed(伏击) his car andlegit turned out to be a vgwith a ldebate(辩论)the games lonly halalwore(发誓)ll people will work hard to athese goals.

'd buy a big boat and s_around the world.

haxt could dtheir destiny(命运).

football plaw season(新赛季).

has lived ause for almost five years now, buver feels lonely.

pa00 gu26. 你认为什么会是在将来可以期待的?

what do youuld be expected

27. 他以前每天上午都去商店买东西。

he evg.

28. 我鼓励他们阅读戒者去户外活动。

i encouragad29. 他们看起来长得像谁?

who d?

30. 现在越来越多的人正涌迚大城市。


people are streaming into bigt2. 我想去航海放松自己。

i walax mysel他的希望怕很难实现。

i'm afraidwon't easil他把那些句子译成了英文。


we all h**e much to


一 单词。1.我的2.名字。动词 三个4.好的 令人愉快的。5.遇见 相逢6.也,太,又。7.什么8.你的 你们的。9.他的10.她的。11.他12.她。13.第一,首先14.最后的。15.不指明婚否 女士16.一。17.二18.三。19.四20.五。21.六22.七。23.八24.九。25.零26...


unit 11 new words 1.情景喜剧。2.没有什么 没有东西。3.忍受。4.介意。5.君主 国王。6.文化。7.主持人。8.太阳镜。9.皮带。10.钱包。11.时尚 潮流。12.文章。13.放 摆 装。14.主意 想法。15.色彩鲜艳的。phrases 1.赞同。2.肥皂剧。3.在校刊上...


unit 2 what time do you go to school?1.adv.向上。2.v.穿衣服 n.连衣裙。3 穿上衣服。4.v.刷刷净 n.刷子。5 n.pl.teeth ti 牙齿。v.淋浴淋浴器 间。7.洗淋浴。8.adv.通常地 一般地。9.num.四十。10.interj.表示...