
发布 2023-03-08 21:19:28 阅读 9498

unit 6 do you like bananas?


本课包括三部分:section a, section b和 self-check.

主题: food.

语言功能: talk about likes and dislikes. 询问某人是否喜欢某种食物及回答;表达喜欢什么和不喜欢什么。

语言结构: present tense to like yes/no questions and short answers

affirmative and negative statements

like 的一般现在时,一般疑问句及肯、否定回答;肯定句和否定句。

语言目标: 主要语法。

do you like hamburgers? yes, i do. no, i don’t.

i like french fries. i don’t like tomatoes.

main vocabulary(词汇): hamburgers, tomatoes, broccoli, french fries, oranges, ice cream, salad, bananas, eggs, strawberry, carrots, apples, chicken, breakfast, lunch, dinner, fruit, vegetable.




language topic: do you like bananas?

yes, i do. no, i don’t.

language strategies: talk about likes and dislikes.

main vocabulary: food, banana, hamburger, tomato, broccoli, french fries, strawberry, orange, ice cream, salad

ii.语言结构: like的一般现在时的一般疑问句及回答。


iv.活动设计: 采访调查 do you like…?

v. teaching steps:

step 1:greetings.

step 2: words: (pictures)

what’s this? (picture) it’s a soccer ball. do you h**e a soccer ball?

yes, i do. /no, i don’t. do you like it?

yes, i do./no, i don’t.

what’s this? it’s a hamburger. do you like it? yes, i do. no, i don’t.

what are these? they’re bananas. do you like bananas? yes, i do. /no, i don’t.

运用**和对话教学单词:hamburger, banana, tomato, broccoli, french fries, strawberry, orange, ice cream, salad 并运用这些单词进行对话:do you like…?

yes, i do./ no, i don’t.

step 3: 1a match the words with the pictures. (p31)

step 4: 1b listen and number the conversations 1-3.

do you like salad? no, i don’t. do you like bananas? yes, i do.

do you like oranges? yes, i do.

practice the conversations, and then make your own conversations.

step 5: 2a listen and circle the food you hear. (p32)

hamburgers tomatoes broccoli french fries oranges ice cream salad bananas

step 6: 2b listen again and fill in the blanks.

i like hamburgers. do you like hamburgers? yes, i do.

do you like___no, i don’t like __

let’s h**eoh, no. i don’t like

step 7: 4 (p33)make a food survey. do you like…?

how many students like hamburgers?

how many students like bananas?


step 8: let’s sum what we h**e learned this class.



something else:

step 9: homework

1. remember the words in this class.

2. practise the dialogue in pairs.

教后一得:教完这堂课,感慨颇多。以前经常埋怨学生厌学,没兴趣,从这节课来看,主要是教师没有认真的去备课, 没有去从学生的角度去处理教材,学生当然没兴趣。



language topic: does he like salad? yes, he does.

does she like salad? no, she doesn’t.

language strategies: talk about likes and dislikes.

main vocabulary: egg, apple, carrot, chicken, fruit, vegetable, breakfast, lunch, dinner

ii.语言结构: like一般现在时第三人称单数的一般疑问句及回答。


iv.活动设计:guessing game

v. teaching steps:

step 1:greetings.

step 2: words: (由对话引出)

ask a boy)do you like bananas? yes, i do. /no, i don’t.

ask another student) does he like bananas? yes, he does. /no, he doesn’t.

ask a girl)do you like eggs? yes, i do. /no, i don’t.

ask another student) does she like bananas? yes, she does. /no, she doesn’t.

依次类推 chicken, apple, carrot, fruit, vegetable.

do you like eggs for breakfast? breakfast is the first meal of a day.

do you like vegetables for lunch? and do you like chicken for dinner?

转到第三人称) does he or she like carrots for lunch? yes, he does./no, he doesn’t.

ask the students to remember the new words.

step 3: 1a write the number in the box next to the correct food. (p34)

2. salad 3. eggs 4.

apple 5. ice cream 6. hamburger 7.

banana 8. orange 10. chicken

step 4: 2a listen and circle the words from 1a that you hear. (p34)

step 5: 1b how many other words can you add to the lists? (p34)

fruit: apples

vegetables: broccoli

add five new words to your vocab-builder. ask the students to remember them.

step 6: write down what your family like to eat.

my father: eggs, apples…

my mother: chicken, oranges, carrots…

my sister: hamburgers, ice cream…

my brother:

ask another student to guess: what does my father like?

does he like vegetables? no, he doesn’t.

what does my sister like? does she like ice cream? yes, she does.


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