
发布 2023-03-08 17:48:28 阅读 6050

unit 7 how much are these pants ?

section a (1a --2c)

一.学习目标:1.谈论物品的** how much is /are ….

2. 谈论物品的形状 (包括颜色、大小、 长短等)

3.交际对话: 通过表演剧---购物”进行交际训练。



5.裤子6.鞋子___7. 袜子___8.短裤___9.袋子___

b..列举你知道的颜色名称、 1-20 阿拉伯数字 、部分描述性的形容词。

1.黑色___2. 白色___3.红色4.绿色___5.蓝色___

6.黄色___7. 大小8.长短___

c.试一试 1is this t-shirt ? it’s seven dollars .

2. how much __these socks ? are two dollars


task 1 make a conversation (交际对话)

ask the prices according to the following words (注意名词前要加限定词)

sweater (18 dollars ) t-恤衫(14 dollars ) socks (5 dollars ) pants ( 17 dollars ) ab

task 2 make a conversation (交际大对话)

ask the colors and prices according to the following words (注意名词前要加限定词)

skirt (red , 13 dollars ) shoes (black 12dollars ) ab

ab四.listening practice

2a:write down the names of the clothes that you hear (写下你所听到的衣物名称)

conversation 1conversation 2conversation 3___

conversation4conversation 5conversation6

2b: the green t—shirt isdollars the black bag isdollars

the red shorts are __dollars the green sweater is __dollars

the big blue hat is __dollars those long , blue and yellow socks are __dollars

五.拓展创新: practice the dialogue according to the two forms (根据以下两个表的内容进行对话)

form1 : how much is /are ….

how much +be + 物品? “how much” 意思是多少钱, be 动词的形式与后面的名词保持一致。

how much __the book ? how much __these shoes ? how much __the milk ?

how much” 还用来询问不可数名词的数量 how much milk do you want ? 你想要多少牛奶?

询问物品的**还有:what’s the price of + 物品名称?

六.达标测评:a.用所给的词填空 much __be )the chicken ? how much __be) the shorts?

red __shoe) are thirty dollars how much are the apples ? it ) are eight dollars .

socks __be )2 dollars howmany) are your socks ? two dollars

b.1.__are the shoes ? they’re 20 dollars a. when much many

2.__english books do you h**e ?-i h**e two many much c. how often far

3.—my pants __black .-but this pair of pants __green ,is ,are ,are ,is

shoes are 30 __

color are these __

your sweater very long ? no, it’s very __

7.__are your sports shoes ?-they are white and black


much20 yuan

the apples , it’s the t-shirt ,they’re the shoes ,they’re the t-shirts ,it’s


1. 这些东西多少钱are these things ?

2.那个盒子是什么颜色? what __is that box?

3.这些袜子多少钱these __

4.那些蓝色的袜子七美元 。 thoseare seven __

5.金夫人喜欢红色的裙子。 mrs kingskirt


1.多少钱___2.这些长裤___3. 这件t-恤衫___

4.七美元___5.这些短裤6. 那件红色的毛衣。


学法指导: 单词记忆

1.根据音节划分记忆: a. sweater swea---ter


2.同类发音归类: shirt skirt “ir” 都发相同的音。

hat bag pant “a” 都发相同的音。


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