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发布 2023-03-05 16:32:28 阅读 2021

unit 1 where’s your pen pal from?

section a period 1 (1a --2d)

主备人: **审核人:初一英语备课组。

一. 学习目标:

1. where is your pen pal from?

2. where is john’s pen pal from?

3. where does he live?

二. 重点:

where...from? be from

where ..live? live in...

三. 难点:

where...from? be from

where ..live? live in...

四. 自主学习:阅读p1-p2找出下列单词,并注明意思。

pen palcanadafrancejapan___

the united statesaustraliasingapore

the united kingdomcountrynew york


五. 合作**。

1. practice converssations in 1a, and make conversations in 1a on p1.

2. talk about the information in the chart in 2c on p2.

六. 精讲归纳。

1. japan n.日本

japanese 日本人,日语, 日本人的做名词时单复数同行。

2.live v. 居住

live in 居住在。he lives in chengdu. 他住在成都。

live on 靠。生存 he lives on his pension. 他靠他的养老金生活。

3. be from = come from 来自。

4. where 为疑问副词, 常询问地点。

where does he live?

七. 练习反馈。


1)--where is his pen p___from?

---from china.

2)they come from japan.they're j

3) -what language d___she speak?

---she speaks english.

4)--where is sydney?

--in a

5)--where does his friend l

---in paris.


)(1is your pen pal from?

一he’s from beijing.


)(2)--what does this baby live___

一milka in b.on c.for

)(3does he live?

一he lives in sydney.

b which city c what place

)(4)一___language does your pen pal speak?

一eng1ish and a little chinese.

a.which c .what

)(5)tokyo is inand toronto is in

a canada;france c. singapore;australia


1)mary does her homework at home every day.(改为一般疑问句)

2)john is from japan.(写出同义句)

3)they come from japan.(对画线部分提问)

4)mary has some friends in china.(改为否定句)

5)kate goes to the park with her mother on sundays.(对画线部分提问)

section a period 2 (3a --4)

主备人: **审核人:初一英语备课组。

一. 学习目标:

1. what language do they speak?

2. she speaks english.

3. this is my new pen pal.

4. she’s from australia.

二. 重点:

what language

english, chinese,

三. 自主学习:阅读p3找出下列单词,并注明意思。


this is my new pen pal

what language does she speak


四. 合作**。

imagine you h**e a pen pal from one of the conversation in 3b on p3.

五. 练习反馈。

一、 单项选择。

) 1mary from?

a. what'sb. wherec. where's

) 2you speak english or spanish?

a. areb. canc. does

) am from china. whatyou?

a. likeb. aboutc. of

) 4.—is he from america

a. yes, he doesb. no, he doesn'tc. yes, he is

) 5. does heany brothers?

a. hasb. h**ec. to h**e

) 6. do you h**e brotherssisters?

a. with

) father isenglish teacher.

a. ab. anc. /

) is tokyo? it'sjapan.

a. inb. onc. from

) she your friendyour pen pal?

a. andb. orc. but

) the students play gamesmonday and thursday?

a. inb. fromc. on

)11. please writeme soon.

a. to b. from c. at

)12. my mother often tells meher study.

a. with b. about c. to

)13. my birthday is1st, october..

a. on b. inc. at





2. 我来自中山。

i3. 他想要一个美国的笔友。

hea pen palusa..

4. amy 会说一点法语。


5. 他们喜欢每天做运动。

theyevery day.

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