
发布 2023-02-21 13:01:28 阅读 6818

unit3 how do you get to school?

period1 listening and conversations (1a-1c)

学习目标:1、单词:train bus subway ride bike

2、词组:get to、take the subway、ride a bike

3、对话:a: how does mary get to school?

b: she takes the subway.




2、你知道乘坐这些交通工具的表达方法吗?如:乘火车---take the train

3、你能大声朗读你列举的短语吗?参考课本13页 1a 左侧短语。


1、 说一说:你能说出你所知道的交通工具吗?

2、 配一配:将1a中的短语与**配对哦。你能做好吗?

3、 读一读:你会读1a插图中的对话吗?会翻译吗?

a: hey, d**e. how do you get to school

b: i walk. how about you, sally

a: i ride my bike

4、 听一听:听录音将1b中学生名字序号与1a中人物正确配对。

5、 编一编:分角色表演1c中的对话,然后谈论图中的其他人物。

a: how does mary get to school?

b: she takes the subway.

二、 试着总结take 和by 在表达乘坐时的不同点。



2."take+a /the +交通工具名词”

当交通工具名词前有“ a /the”时,不能再用要用如:

take a (the但是,表示步行时,要用。


1) the students in hongshanhu go to school

a. on boat b. take boats c. by boat d. by the boat

2) does he usually go to work __foot?

a. by b. at c. on d. walk

---by bus.

a. why does he go to work?

b. how does he go to work?

c. when does she go to work?

d. where does he work?


1、he takes a bus to school .(同义句)

he gets to school

2、i get to work by boat . 划线提问)

you get to work ?

3、heride) his bike to work every day.

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