
发布 2023-03-05 07:13:28 阅读 5751


第一周 unit 1 --where is your pen pal from?

---she is from australia.

一. 词型。

1. canada---japanese

3. china --chinese4. france --french

5. australia --australian6. country --countries

二. 词组。

1. 居住 live in2. 讲英语 speak english

3. 笔友 pen pal = pen friend 4. 做运动 play sports

5. 美国 the united states = america = the usa

6. 纽约 new york7.写信给某人 write to

8. 在周末 on weekends9.来自 come from = be from

10.英国 the united kingdom = the uk

11.一点点法语 a little french

三.句型。1.--where are you from? =where do you come from?

---i’m from japan.

2where is your pen pal from? =where does your pen pal from?

---she / he is from toronto.

3.--where do you live?

---i live in hongkong.

4. -where does she/ he live?

---he / she lives in paris.

5. -what language do you speak?

---i speak chinese / japanese / english/ french.

6.--what language does she speak?

---she speaks chinese / japanese / english/ french.

四. 同义词。

1. pen pal = pen friend2. don’t like = dislike

3. is from = comes from = does ….come from

4. are from / am from / come from = do ….come from

5. on weekends= saturday and sunday

五. 考点与语法。

1. write to + 宾格( me / you/ her / him / them/us/it )

+ 动词ing

3. a little french

4. on + 星期 、 in +月份、 地点。

或者, 还是用于选择疑问句, 不用yes, no 回答。

6. want + to + 动词原形 (想要做某事)

7. can + 动词原形(能会做某事)

8. tell me 动词+ 宾格( me / you/ her / him / them/us/it )


第二周。unit 2 --where is the post office?

---it’s next to the library.

一. 词型。

1. visit --beginning

---libraries 4. five --fifth


1. near here = in the neighborhood= around here

2. clean = not dirty --dirty = not clean

= not small small = not big

old = new --old = not new

= not busy --busy = not quiet

6. you’re welcome= not at all = that’s ok = that’s all right

7.take a walk = go for a walk= go… on foot.

8. h**e a good time = h**e fun = enjoy oneself

9. arrive at/in=get to10 take a taxi = go …by taxi

三词组。1打的take a taxi2 玩的开心 h**e a good time

3散步 go for a walk4欢迎welcome to

5 在左边 on the left6在右边 on the right

7向左转turn left8向右转turn right

9祝你旅途愉快h**e a good trip 10在下周next week

11不客气you are welcome 12沿着走 go down

13穿过go through14在附近in the neighborhood

15打扰一下 excuse me16去。….的路the way to

17在旁边next to18在前边in front of

19在之间between and20在对面across from

21在**街on center street 22投币式公用**pay phone

23邮局post office24到达get to

四. 句型与语法。

1. enjoy doing sth

2. bridge street is a good place to h**e fun.

a good place to do sth

3. next to the hotel is a small house with an interesting garden.

4. -i hope you h**e a good trip.

---thank you.

2. -is there a supermarket?

---yes, there is./ no, there isn’t.

3. this is the beginning of our garden tour.

4. 问路的对话。

a: excuse me,. is there a ……where is the ……

b. yes,. there is. and turn left. it’s down ……on the right / left.

a. thank you very much.

b: you’re welcome.


第三周。unit 3 --why do you like koala?

---because they are kind of cute.

一. 词型。

1. zoo --zoos --friendly 3. leaf --le**es

---boxes --chinese 6. relax --relaxing

二. 词组。

1.有几分kind of2. 南非south africa

3. 在晚上 at night4. 在白天 during the day

5. 其他动物 other animals 6. 与…. 玩 play with

7. 每天every day8. 安静 be quiet

三. 同义词。

1. clever = smart = cute

2. fun = interesting= not boring

四. 句型与考点。

1. let’s see the lions first

1). let sb do sth

2. -what other animals do you like?

---i like dogs. other + 复数。

3. please be quiet please + 动词原形。

4. -why do you like koalas?

---because they are kind of cute.

5.--why does she / he like koalas?

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