
发布 2023-02-26 16:47:28 阅读 5537

七下学案 unit1 where’s your pen pal from ?

1. where + be+ 主语+ from? 通常用于询问:某人是什么地方的人,某人来自什么地方?

eg. 你的朋友来自**?他来自上海。

be from =come from 使用时要注意句型的转变。

eg. he is from canada.= he comes from canada. (变为否定句句) 分别是:he isn’t from canada.和。

he doesn’t come from canada.

eg. -whereyou from, tom? -i’m from australia . a. are b. is c. am d. be

does he live? 他住在哪? 回答时live后面要加介词 in或on。

eg. -where does he live?--he lives in france.

练习:who does your grandfathera. live b. live in c. lives in d. live with

language does she speak

what language意为:什么语言。也可以用复数形式:what languages---

4. does he h**e brothers or sisters

本句注意:or为“或者” eg. which one do you like, tea or water ?

如果肯定句如:he has brothers and sisters. 改为否定句,要将and 改为:

or。 he doesn’t h**e brothers or sisters.

live in toronto, canada, and i want a pen pal in china

want 意为与 would you like 一样后面接。

she wantsfrench . a. learn b. to learn c. learning d. to learning

6. i think china is a very interesting country

i think 表示“我认为,我觉得”,后面常接宾语从句。表达否定的意思时, 要在主句上否定, 即。

i don’t think---

练习:i think he lives in beijing .(否定句。


7. i can speak english and a little french

a little意为:有一些。修饰不可数名词,表示肯定。i h**e a little milk.( 我有点牛奶)

但是:little则表示否定。 i know little english.( 我英语懂得非常少)

练习:用little 或a little 填空。

(1) we h**e very money, so you can buy nothing.

2) there iswater in the bottle . you may drink it.

like going to the movies with my friends and playing sports. 汉意。

with 同……一起。注意和and 的用法区别,jim and tom are good friends.

john with his sister goes to school by bike.

9. it’s too difficult ! 意为。

10. can you write to me soon?意为。

write to sb. 写信给某人。my friend often writes to me .意为。

练习:--do you often writeyour pen pal ?-yes. once a month.

a. with b. for c. to

write and tell me about yourself. 意为。

tell sb. about / of sth. 意为:告诉某人有关……事。

my sister often tells me about her class

tell sb. to do sth.告诉某人做某事。tell sb. not to do sth. 告诉某人不做某事。


and dislikes. 好恶。like 为喜欢。dislike 表示否定、相反,用法同like.

练习:i dislikebut i like to dance today. a. to dance b. dancing c. dances d. dance


1. which city does lucy lin?

2. what’s her fsubject ?

3.--where is shanghai?--it’s in c

4. my pen pare from japan. 5. what ldoes tom speak ?


1lilycome) from australiayes, shecome) from australia

2. how manycountry ) do you think there are in the world ?

3helive) in paris ? 4. they h**e pen pals in the us andfrench)

5canada ) speak english and french.

6. they are from english. they areenglishman).

7. he with his brothergo ) to bed at 9:00 every evening.

8. please write and tell me aboutyou), tom and tim.

9. the book is veryinterest) and i aminterest ) in it.

10. my grandmother comes fromfrance ) and she speaksfrance ).


1. where do you come from ?(同义句) whereyou

speaks french.(划线提问mr. smith?

3. i think it is interesting.(改为否定句)。 ithink itinteresting.

4. my uncle lives in linyi.(划线提问your uncle live?


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